Companion gear is useless now, well it's cosmetic only. You can also pick the role of your companion, tank, healer or dps. You can RE that gear or just sell it to a vendor or keep it if you like the looks.I am very confused. I got past logging in and having my inventory filled + 5 mails filled with crap that I'm guessing was all companion gear that I just turned around and put right back on them (why did they do that?).
Saw a tip that said go to the fleet blah blah didn't read, saw a purple icon did all that which was on Ilum. Next purple thing I saw was on Oricon. A bit into that I realized I'm not gaining any xp or levels. Everyone I see around me is higher level than me, though the content is easy. Is there some quest you need to do to level beyond 55?
They would need to create an entire new game engine to have PVP in SWTOR work. The performance issues in BG's are fucking retarded. 100 fps everywhere else in the game and 15-30 in a BG,So Eternal Championship delayed until May, but they're trying their hardest to bring back PVPers and throw some bones.
Game Update 4.3: Visions in the Dark | Star Wars: The Old Republic
Ilum was a damn slide show for launch and up until I quit the first time. That game really could not handle large amounts of people in a close area actively shooting at each other gracefully. I never had that problem in bg's though.I still get 100 FPS in Battlegrounds. Ilum was an issue at launch. Not sure about now because I haven't had to render 100 people at a time in ages.