you wont miss out. when this premieres. invite your lady to go see it. she will think you're fucking cool and suck your dick while you're handing in the tickets.This is weird. ...I'm kinda getting Taylor Swift FOMO.
You got your tix already Chukzombi?you wont miss out. when this premieres. invite your lady to go see it. she will think you're fucking cool and suck your dick while you're handing in the tickets.
this bitch has powerI have an app for Cinemark theaters where I can purchase tickets for shows and reserve my seats. So I'm browsing to see what's showing and what's coming. TS's movie is coming 10/13 and will be on 12 screens. Most showings are around 80% full and tickets are almost $20. Crazy.
Looks better when she isn't in a shitty outfit.People are attracted to this?
She's so flat and pasty.
Fake news. That's old Taylor Swift. She's put on the chonk now that she's old. Would only bang long enough to Dave Chappelle Oprah money trap her.This thread be like…
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