He remind me of something. Yes correct. Got it. Linear algebra. He um. Must be delusional. Yes. So I said um. Enough. I had no intentions of fucking with your life. Yes. The other way around. These are convicts. Yes. Oh ok. Look uh. Impossible.
I see your life going to places. Uh. We aren't responsible for a thing. So I said. You are held in custody. I think they popped themselves by now. So between telepathy and the other one you think um. Elysium and the walking dead. Yes. I think it's um. Elysium. Now look asshole. You have been caught red handed. We made it simple. Lol. So enjoy your walking dead. We told you.
Lol. There is one. Look um. The dictum. You um. Lol. Look uh. You uh. No medication time. Dude. He um. Something like he's guilty of a trip. His trip was wasted. Oh yea. Look um. He um. Seriously contemplating. This is the. Um. Day Vashon told him this. He um. He is right.
He declared the most um. Insolent man in the world. He um. Did this several thousand times. Oh yea. This oh. Is how they did him oh. He um. Don't owe me an excuse. Yes. He even failed to be friends with me. So I said. This is the day he um. Consistent with one thing. Kelefane the king. He um. Think this trip was wasted. Wait until he sees that. He um.
He convinced me aggravated murder. Oh ok. So I said fuck it. Think uh he followed Norman up here. Um. He is uh. Not protected by a violent charge. Nothing. He um. Showed him the way. Think this should never go down. ISIS is futile. Yes.
He um. Think um. This trip was um. Pray then. Yes. Delusional. He did that. He um. Convinced god is his guardian. Oh yea. He has omniscient reasons. They found that out. Oh. Look um. You are top notch. Oh yea. So I said. He must be mentally delusional to see this doesn't work. Let's begin again. So I said. Visigoths won. Don't cut him off. Yes. He um. Concise.
He um forgot about Heaven and Earth. Oh. Lol. He went from here to here. Oh ok. He um. Is seriously dead. Oh ok. So this is the way I look at it. He um. Is seriously demented. Yes. 3 phases. He's just glad to have this back. Yes. And uh protected by Kelefane. Lol. God forever.
Burn in hell chinese motherfucker. So this is the walking dead. He um. This is the walking dead. This is the Elysium. Yes going over it again. Correct. Buddha is contributing. Beyond the point yes.
God can fix anything, but the satanic indictment. Yes. This. Oh. Jason Zurita. He um. Knows. Georgia tech. Yes. We see it inside out. He um faked his death.
He um. Think this trip to America. Um. Why doesn't he say this now. Something like um. Yes. He um. Hmmm. Woke up from a nightmare. Ok then. Kelefane is futile.