Assassin. Yes. I need help with this one first. Always out of time. God omniscient. Yes. He um. Doesn't know yes. He um. isn't doing well. He um forced to carry out. Bayne is um. He betrayed everyone.
This one oh. Look um. No this one. Oh. He um. Better pray yes. Ok then. Think um. This day you weren't righteous or um. I said it myself. Or out gunned by the USA. Think um. You needed more guns.
Yes he circumvented time. He um. This guy is awesome. Oh yea. He put him to rest. Oh. What must he do. Something like um. God come on. He can't. Nothing. Oh.
He um made Georgia tech look good. Yes. He um. Seriously hit rock bottom. Joe Biden told him that. I think um. I realized. Sitting in the guild lobby and suffering. Oh.
Think um. You can't do that around me. Yes. I um warned you. You are alienated. From the earth. Oh yea. I think people have died. Even if you aren't ignorant. Yes. I think you have became righteous.
Look um. I kept track of everything. So I said. You um. Whichever. Yes. It's you. Don't hit rock bottom on me. Just launch one. Yes. Nicholas did that. She turned him into that oh.
Proving intelligence. Oh ok. Go your fucking way Sindaael. He thinks it's his mom. Oh. He um lost all his friends. Except him. So yes. Ok then. I knew this.
Oh yea. He um. Needs to get himself straight first. The worst thing he can do is burn the clock. Then he's a goner. They found a way around that. It doesn't matter. Yes. You um. He um. Is going to heaven. That's how the story ends.