Tell us your Mippo Tales


That guy
Friend of mine sat next to Dave Bautista at the Guardians of the Galaxy midnight showing at a theater in Tampa. Turns out he works out at a gym near there and wanted to swing by and check out the premiere.

Edit: Just remembered another one from when I was younger. My dad and I were at a Bucs game and all these little kids kept coming up to this really big guy sitting 2 rows behind us to get his autograph. I had no clue who he was, turned it was The Big Show. Didn't realize how huge that fucker was til he stood up.


Trakanon Raider
I was in the Atlanta airport I think in 2010? I was in the food court eating lunch when I hear the voice of Jim Nance behind me. I look and sure enough Jim was walking by talking on the phone and wearing a very noticable black windbreaker with the CBS sports logo. So he walks up to the soul food eatery and buys his food. The food court was packed and he looks around for a place to sit. So I said, "Mr Nance it would be a pleasure to share a table with you." So we talked for the next 20 minutes about sports. He was coming back from the Masters which was the previous weekend (it was a Tuesday). John Madden just retired so we talked about that a bit. I had to run to my connection so I said, "a tradition like no other...lunch with Jim Nance." It got a chuckle. That was it.

I bumped into Elisabeth Shue years ago and damn I had a childhood crush on her. The only thing I could utter was, "hey it's Ali with an 'i'!" Unlike Nance she just rolled her eyes and said like I haven't heard that one before. Ouch.

Met Patrick Swayze in the 80s when he was shooting a movie in the neighboorhood I was living in. This was right after Dirty Dancing and I remember all the housewives would line up outside their place in lawn chairs to get a glimpse. And also being forced to stop playing because we weren't allowed to make noise during shooting. This was in the summer. Sucked being a kid in the summer and you have to stop playing outside.

I have bumped into several pornstars (female). I won't lie, it was hard to talk to them without thinking ya know...I have seen you take a 12 inch dick in your ass and scream about how much you love it and here we are talking about politics. But they were all pleasent at least.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
During elementary my class got picked to attend a MMC shooting. Damn this crushed my childhood dreams, thought they were there chilling all day watching cartoons and shit, but it turned out it was all 'aaaand action ... nono the light/sound/dresscode is wrong need to shoot it again' crap going on. I vividly remember the while professional still eery hostile attitude towards each other at the set. Like every department was constantly fighting against the other crews and trying to set them up and look like jerks.

Also during HS i was randomly hanging out and trying to get into the pants of this one hot chick. Years later i look her up on google and find out shes on that warehouse 13 show playing Claudia Donovan. Well at least i still got her parents adress somewhere in my HS stuff (granted they didnt move to a better location by now).

Also i used to party with Dirk Nowitzki. Never felt so inadequate next to such a tower. He was such a pussy magnet in the club and more often than not never interested in any of dem wannabe groupies so i happened to score quite some blow/hand me downs. I tried hard to get him into EQ as well, but instead he focused more and more on scoring buckets. Guess all that Mavs fans kinda owe me big time.
When I was a kid I went to acting classes with Mark Paul Gosselaar, Paul Walker, and Stephen Dorff. I was in a younger group, and I didn't really enjoy any of it. My favorite part was just hanging out. I did that when I was 6 or 7. I stopped going when some 11 yr old persian kid kicked me in the dick. They kicked him out or something.

I once bought a birthday card for Harvey Keitel for a production I worked on. They made me buy something that was funny but didn't make fun of his age. It had puppies on it.

I had lunch with the family at this restaurant years ago. In walks the fucking TERMINATOR, Arnold Schwarzenegger. He had just finished his term as governor. He was wearing a leather jacket and sun glasses. That place had good Cuban food. They also had this one cupcake that looked like a giant hostess rip off. Frosting was ok but the chocolate was bitter.

Sacha Baron Cohen came into an office I worked in back in 2006. Dudes a fucking giant. I'm 6'0", but this guy just towered over everyone. It was right after he got his ass kicked in NY. Dude looked buff as fuck. His wife is hot... she wasn't there though.

I didn't meet him, but I knew a girl that dated Robert Downey Jr. in rehab.

Another one of my exes father produced the Oscars and other events like that for like decades. One year we went to the AMAs and I got to see a younger Miley Cyrus dressing a little racy.
We were like dude, her parents need to rein that in. At the after party Rhianna was on the dance floor with a couple girls. I danced with her for a second and got back to my girlfriend after. She then met and started dancing with Chris Brown. I blame myself for that debacle.

Back in 2006 again, I was working on the pilot for Californication. Our offices were in, no joke, an abandoned mental hospital.
One day I'm visiting the editing facility and I get into the elevator from the garage and I see the most beautiful dog ever. It's a white, blue eyed german shepherd.
I say out loud, "wow that's a beautiful dog." I look up and see that the owner is Jennifer Aniston. She had just had that big nasty split with Brad Pitt.
I felt a little awkward that I didn't notice her first, because she is stunning. I said to her "you're lucky I'm in a relationship, cause I'm a sucker for animals."
She smiled.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Do you live in Los Angeles or something?!


Silver Squire
We were racing shifter karts on a practice day and Travis Pastrana and some friends stopped by to kill a day of their road trip.This was when he was still running SX before Nitro Circus.Travis was too tall for the track's rental karts so the track owner asked me if I minded if he ran mine some.He broke my fastest time ever after about five laps and he said he never drove a shifter kart before.


Log Wizard
This one wasn't me, but a friend's brother is an AD in LA. He was working with Kevin Spacey for something once and they were about to start shooting so they sent him to get Mr. Spacey from his hotel room. He goes up and knocks and Spacey's all "Come on in!" and he walks in and it is Spacey and his "assistant" both shirtless having a "tickle fight". Mr. Spacey then asked my friend's brother if he'd like to join and he declined and said it was time to start shooting. Mr. Spacey said something along the lines of "oh you're no fun!"

So yeah. You do the math. Also my friend is in a few scenes of the Entourage movie because of his brother. Basically: he's made it!


My ex girlfriend slept with the guy from Man vs. Food. It was perfect because we did our "5 Freebie Celeb fucks" during our relationship and he was on that list. I am proud of her for reaching for the stars.

I met Joel Hodgson and crew from MST3K when they were doing their Cinematic Titanic tour. I have a pic with him where I am smiling but he is giving me a power glower. Must have been because he ran out of Heineken.


Molten Core Raider
Saw DDP in the ATL airport once. Saw Nate Dogg buyin dvd's at a walmart in cerritos california. Also met Screech at Disneyland when I was a wee lad.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I occasionally work on the home of the owner of Swisher Sweets. I've also worked on a couple of Jacksonville Jaguars homes, but I feel the Swisher Sweets owner is more famous in a way.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
In the early 90's, I was head of security at a nightclub in SW Louisiana. One of a number of famous acts to play the club, "Me So Horny" 2 Live Crew was coming to do a show, so the owner sent me to pick them up at the airport. Contrary what one would think, they were really nice guys, totally not what you might expect from the music/rep. After about a 30 min car ride, mind blown by the difference between image and reality, I asked, "We have some time, where can I take you guys to get something to eat?"

This is the story of how I took 2 Live Crew to eat at KFC.

The show kicked ass, btw.


Ssraeszha Raider
I once sold Donny Osmond a bunch of board games. I'm related to Amy Adams.

That's the best I've got.


Trakanon Raider
My girlfriend was an extra in a portlandia episode, Sleater-Kinney wrote a song about her afterwards.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I once sold Donny Osmond a bunch of board games.


Vyemm Raider
One of the drummers of Weather Report was my next door neighbor growing up and was our babysitter a few times. My dad used to jam with him in the garage. I have no memory of this.

I went to high school with the brother of a pornstar. Can't remember the name right now, but you've probably heard of her if you're into Latina's. Sky Lopez maybe? Early to mid-2000's. It was some combination of a bullshit hippy first name with a standard Hispanic last name. Guy was pretty cool I feel bad for him and his skank sister.

I met and lived with two people serving life sentences in California State Prisons for murdering someone over a life insurance payout. One of them tried to invite me in the plot, but I thought he was joking. Hindsight... Jesus I dodged a bullet for being naive.

I saw Louis C.K., before he was famous, at a starbucks in California and it became part of his act.

Unlike Mippo, all of my stories are true facts.


Got Big Ken's new book and autograph tonight then afterwards talked about his new documentary over Vietnam. It's going to fucking rock.



Potato del Grande
My Grandpa was friends with Danny Trejo for many years (lived right next to him) and I visited him so many times he let me call him "Uncle Danny". Outside of the movies he was awesome and the nicest guy I knew.