\When is the release date on this? I see websites saying August 25th, but then I go to find showtimes and there's nothing. Is it a limited release?
Yes. AMC theaters.
Terminator 2: Judgment Day 3D at an AMC Theatre near you
\When is the release date on this? I see websites saying August 25th, but then I go to find showtimes and there's nothing. Is it a limited release?
We can all pretty much agree that T3 was complete garbage, and Genisys fucked itself by giving away the bad guy in the previews. Not that that would have made it any better, given they just regurgitated T2 (poorly). Also, fuck Matt Smith. He sucks at everything outside Dr. Who. And Khaleesi sucked as Sarah. John Connor was decent, and the only redeeming quality was the crazy JK Simmons character. Lastly, Jai Courtney needs to get fucked. He's absolute trash. That being said, I'm still curious to see what kind of travesty the next film in the series will be.
I actually really liked Genisys right up until they went into the future and we got the John is the bad guy reveal, but I'm hooked whenever time travel causes events to play out differently. I actually don't watch much TV so the John is the bad guy reveal wasn't spoiled for me, but it still fucking sucked.
Sperging out about exactly how time travel works in the Terminator universe is always fun though.
People say that Terminator is a predestination paradox, but I don't think that's actually true. The events of the first movie created a new timeline based on Dyson's research of the arm and the chip, but whatever accelerated advances in robotics/computers come about as a result of that research (presumably this is why a T-1000 is sent back instead of another T-800, T-1000s did not exist in the original timeline)are not enough to keep Skynet from losing, which is why it sends the T-1000 in T2. Destroying the arm and chip along with Dyson's research brought them back to a timeline more or less congruent with the timeline in the first movie.
The Sarah Connor Chronicles are an alternate post-T2 future that happened in place of the events of T3. The only way to fit make the show compatible with the primary timeline is if you assume that the show was the original post-T2 continuity, and some unknown time travel event changed things to cause the events of the show to never happen, and we get the T3 timeline instead.
Since Skynet still loses in this timeline and it no longer knows how to find John, we get the events of T3 where it sends the TX back to try and kill the people who serve as his lieutenants in the resistance. The existence of the TX suggests that whatever changes to the timeline caused by the events of T2 gave Skynet extra time before it was defeated by the resistance, allowing it to develop the TX in the first place. The TX actually succeeds in killing several of the targets before it gets distracted by the discovery of John. Skynet can't be stopped, goes online, and Judgement Day happens. John being in a high security bunker with access to military communications creates a new timeline where he is able to build a stronger and more sophisticated resistance, which is why you see them having submarines and A-10s in Salvation.
Salvation, being already set in the future, can't affect things much, but it does begin to suggest that time is largely immutable. Due to the events of T3, the resistance is much farther along in the fight against Skynet, since Skynet hasn't even rolled out the T-800s yet. Skynet has one last chance to stop John in the past by killing Kyle Reese before he can be sent back in time, but through a series of completely implausible events, Kyle is rescued and John survives having his heart kerploded. So it seems that no matter what happens, Skynet is incapable of preventing John from uniting the resistance and leading the remains of the human race to victory. If this is true, then it's also completely impossible to stop Skynet and Judgement Day in the first place.
At some point off-screen Skynet gets the incredibly obvious idea to send a terminator farther back in time, instead of continually sending them to a time where the Connors were already aware of the existence of time traveling killer robots. Implausibly, someone discovers Skynet's plan and sends another terminator back to protect child Sarah, again suggesting the general immutability of time. This creates a timeline roughly congruent to the original Terminator and now the events of all the other Terminators belong to branch timelines. It does seem that Skynet lasts even longer in this new timeline than it did in the T3 timeline, since it is able to develop the nano-terminator and infect John. It sends the Johninator back in time to facilitate its own creation, but that seems to have been largely pointless since the creation of Skynet is inevitable.
The thought of it being a paradox, is because the robots sending themselves back, creates and destroys them, regardless of how many times, or how many ways they do it. It always ends up "creating themselves", and someone going back to stop them. TSCC ended with Sarah and John supposedly traveling back to the 50's, which is where Skynet had supposedly planted several Terminators while they were experimenting with time travel (robots sent back, and instead of murdering everyone, they're stupid robots that wait, because killing everyone isn't their objective. There was the one in the wall that was dormant, waiting to activate. How John and Sarah eventually made it back to the future (modern time) was never explained, because it was canceled. Supposedly there was more time travel hopping planned, ala the 12 Monkeys TV series, but we all saw how chaotic that one ended up being. T1, T2, T3, all involve Terminators being sent back at different times. TSCC is post T2, but then deals with additional Terminators being sent back before T3 even happens. Genisys is the same time period as T2, but overwrites itself somehow, with Jai Courtney telling his younger self the "Genisys is Skynet" shenanigans. Will "T5" be post Genisys, modern timeline, or back to the future again, where it "left off"...
Show was much better than that abortion of a movie. I thought she was actually pretty damn good on it.I remember when they had Lena Headey playing Sarah on the TV show, wonder how she felt about Daeny getting the movie role after her.
Was that shit already spoiled before the film came out?