Yup, it's about 4 episodes before this one starts to get it together. Thanks for the input guys, way better show than I thought it would be. I will probably binge watch it over the long weekend.
just finished it.. wow, season 2 was damn good. I was so glad when there was one last episode. I thought for sure they were going to end it with Clarke staring at that door after all the grounders left and was relieved when episode 16 auto started. Well done series once it gets rolling, looking forward to the new season Jan 21st.
Outside of stuff like Luther, it is possible this is my most anticipated returning show. Maybe Agent Carter is a tie, but I can't think of anything else I want to see more than those two.
just marathoned through season 2 just in time for season 3. what a mind fuck of a final 5 minutes, jesus christ. I hope we get some more lesbo commander and clarke scenes in season 3
i hope a show fan recreates the world in a fallout 4 mod
I have no recollection of the chick that Bellamy is cozy with. Am I supposed to remember her? Or is it like Mr. Poopybutthole, where he was there all along, we just didn't know it?
Obligatory lesbianism is always a welcome addition though.
Why did they keep John in the ManCave Fallout Shelter for 90 days? That was a dick move for no reason. Eating 200 year old food. Bleh. I'd be pissed too.
Why did they keep John in the ManCave Fallout Shelter for 90 days? That was a dick move for no reason. Eating 200 year old food. Bleh. I'd be pissed too.
man captain vane sure has moved up, from pirate captain to prince of the ice kingdom. Liking everything so far, the city of light I guess is a virtual world where people's consciousness can live on forever - cool stuff, next level matrix. I hope we see a lot more clarke turning hot chicks into lesbians, and then maybe captain vane trails her and converts them all back to dick
i don't really understand why lexa keeps clarke alive, its literally turning everyone under her against her. i guess lesbians also think with their clits? also funny that 30 random farm people and bellamy's new red shirt girlfriend both die 3 episodes into being introduced
Bellamy seemed to give zero fucks about her anyway. Finds out she got blown to bits, no reaction. Too worried about getting Clarke to come back with them. Maybe we'll get some emo scenes with him mourning her next ep.