The Authoritative Final Fantasy & Bravely Default thread


Golden Knight of the Realm
Something about Kefka yelling "Son of a submariner!" as Edgar's castle dives under the desert is pretty hilarious to me, and I find it wholly more entertaining and interesting than the aforementioned alternatives "son of a sandworm/shiiiiiit!" Woolsey's humor doesn't come off as campy to me at all, that was actually one of my main gripes with the FFVI Advance re-translation. That game was full of lame campy humor such as the "Kefka has Weapons of Magitek Destruction" line before the Narshe war that I mentioned earlier.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah I just noticed the weapons of magitek destruction line on my latest playthrough and cringed at how bad it was.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Up until this exact moment I always thought that Spoony Bard was a "Woosleyism". Learn something new everyday. "Son of a Submariner" is funny BECAUSE its so groan worthy.

Also, how about an indepth discussion on final fantasy 5. Butz vs Bartz. It's one of the times when I actually liked a fan translation. So my vote is for Butz. COME AT ME BRO!


Trakanon Raider
I haven't played FF in quite sometime and would like to start playing again. I have a PS3, what would be a recommendation for what FF i should play? Or am I going to have to go out and buy another system lol


iOS game where you tap the characters as their ATBs fill up. Apparently no story, just battles. Just seems like another cash grab to me.


Nah. I love me some Smash Bros.

I'm just done with their constant grabbing at the nostalgia buyers. I bought FFIV: The After Years on the Wii, but didn't get through it bc it just shit all over the characters and story of FFIV. Played Dissidia on the PSP and while the premise was cool at first, the gameplay quickly devolves into repetition and bullshit battles. I enjoyed FFVII: Crisis Core, but goddamn does it take a lot of liberties with shoehorning the main villain into the FFVII storyline.

I've been burned by SE too many times, so when I see them putting out crap like this, I cringe. Completely done with this franchise.

And for the record: 4 > 6 = 9 > 7 > 10 > 8 > 12, haven't played 13


iOS game where you tap the characters as their ATBs fill up. Apparently no story, just battles. Just seems like another cash grab to me.
Apparently it's $2.99 to buy in, then 0.99 per character (35 to find, you don't choose though, it's random what you get...) and $3.99 per map of which there are 4 to buy at launch.

SE has gone for IAP bigtime on the IOS platform. Theatrerythm being the worst to date, the base game was free but gave you 15 minutes of gameplay. To buy the characters and tunes to match what you got for $30 on the DS costs just under $90 on ios. The DS version also had extra game modes etc.


6 > 10 > 4 > 13-2 > 7 > 9 > 10-2 > 8 > 5 > 1 > MQ > 13 > 12 > 2.

Never played 3 or IZJS and I don't really count Tactics as a FF game in that regard. Also I think most of them are pretty good games except for 13, 12, and 2.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
My cutoff for "pretty good" and "would never consider playing again" would be between 9 and 2. I'm forcing myself to replay 9 again now as I've run out of things to put on my phone, and I find myself not hating it nearly as much as I remember.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I love how this Sean guy trolled a bunch of ppl into playing xiii-2 by telling them it was good. There is just no way possible anyone who didn't like xiii is going to like xiii-2. It seems like I am one of the few ppl who didn't absolutely loathe xiii and I couldn't stand xiii-2. I actually enjoy the combat system in xiii as it actually heavily relies on strategy on tough fights and visually the game is stunning. The crystarium system although it is capped with the storyline is much better in xiii than xiii-2. Lvling weapons is a good thing imo and doesn't exist in xiii-2. 3>2 only 2 party members is lame. Add insult to injury the monster system was lame and could have been so much better. XIII-2 had the worst music of any ff game I've ever played(boss battles sound like a wal-mart version of Ramstein playing). XIII-2 was still pretty linear and only had a few open places to explore.

My wife bought me XIII-2 as a valentine's day gift and I tried finishing it for her because I didn't want her to think I didn't appreciate it and she had the same reaction that other guy's gf had. She walked in one day while I was playing it and said wtf is this shit? And thats when I knew I was off the hook.


I didn't troll anyone dude, you can hate FFXIII and like FFXIII-2. Most people hated FXIII for its straight line hallway maps and being one long tutorial that locks you out of most of the systems for nearly the entire game. FXIII-2 fixes all of that and adds some fantastic things like the Time Gate system and Monster party members & customization.

No one liked FXIII. On the other hand plenty of people like FXIII-2.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The only thing Ireallyhated about XIII was the ending cutscene. Sean is right though, XIII-2 improved upon XIII in every possible way.


10 ahead of 7? So much respect lost.
I'm not a huge fan of 7. It has some absolutely atrocious writing and Cloud is a pretty terrible character. It's over all a pretty good game, but some parts of it just do not hold up at all.

10 on the other hand is easily my favorite mechanics wise. The battle system and character progression is by far the most fun and it makes use of multiple party members far better than any other JRPG with how combat swapping works and how useful everyone is.