I had some of their pumpkin ale this fall and wasn't a huge fan. Pumpkin isn't my go to though, so other fans may find it better. Still pumpkin or not, it just didn't taste good.I don't remember who said to try some Schlafly stuff, but saw a 6 pack of this on sale and tried it. Not sure how I really feel but not super impressed.
out it was outstanding. it's something i'd buy regularly were it available. typically i come home with a sixpack of lagunitas maximus.Be sure to report on how that Lagunitas Sucks is. I could ask my little store downstairs to get it, if it's good.
Wish I could get one of those.I had a "Sweet Baby Jesus" the other day, one of Duclaw's beers. It was the first peanut butter flavored beer I've ever had, so I don't have much to compare it to. That said, it was absolutely delicious and tasted like drinking a Reese's Cup.
Best Brown, Two Hearted, and Expedition are all excellent, but I can't abide Kalamazoo Stout.This arrived today as a gift. Love Two Hearted. One of my favorites, but it's impossible to find here.
I got this from Wegmans yesterday! Giving it a try tonight.I had a "Sweet Baby Jesus" the other day, one of Duclaw's beers. It was the first peanut butter flavored beer I've ever had, so I don't have much to compare it to. That said, it was absolutely delicious and tasted like drinking a Reese's Cup.