Yeah going to try it with vanilla vodka this week to see how that tastes.The Oktoberfest is excellent.
I also bought some of that Not Your Father's while I was in Lubbock this week. I really liked it but its extremely sweet. I could not drink more than one a day probably.
Good to know. This just showed up in my local grocery store and I almost bought a sixer but I didn't. I don't handle "sweet" very well (I never ever have dessert because I don't like sweet) so I'm guessing I wouldn't like it. On the other hand, sounds right up my wife's ally...I bought a sixer of Not Your Father's Root Beer, that shit is delicious. You could put a scoop of ice cream in it and you'd just think it was a root beer float. It is a bit sweet for me though, even if it was a normal root beer it would be too sweet. I could easily get trashed on this stuff though and I say this as someone who just isn't a beer drinker.
It's funny, if you Google 'Sam Adams oktoberfest recipe change' you'll find discussion threads from 5-6 years ago that say the exact same thing you are today. Obviously ingredient availability and consistency will change over time (being an agricultural product) and yeast can most definitely change over generations when breweries are constantly reculturing and repitching, even for an operation like Sam Adams who probably have one of the most sophisticated QC labs out of any craft brewery.Not to throw my hipster glasses down too hard but Sam's October beer was far, far better like 5-6 years ago. Now it just tastes like water.
Punk'n did arrive at my grocery store, though
It's very sweet. Teeth rotting sweet. They do this I guess to cover the alcohol taste. It's barely there.Good to know. This just showed up in my local grocery store and I almost bought a sixer but I didn't. I don't handle "sweet" very well (I never ever have dessert because I don't like sweet) so I'm guessing I wouldn't like it. On the other hand, sounds right up my wife's ally...
Man I'm a sour fanatic and in particular I love berliners... and I absolutely DIG Festina.Seriously? I had those last year and can say without any hesitation it's the WORST beer I've ever tasted. And I enjoy sours so it's not just that it's tart.