I think that this year's sales will be a lot closer than people think in the US (assuming yields allow it). Most of the Xbros I know are still keeping with the brand.
Once April or so rolls around, then we'll get the one-sided results you guys are predicting.
I still insist E3 2015 will be the Microsoft Moneyhat Offensive, as they write checks to Epic, etc. for digital exclusives.
In quasi-Next Gen news, Nintendo all but said "No price cut for the Wii U" this year. March/April will be real interesting around Kyoto, though what can the stockholders do but give Iwata & Co. another year, as various reorgs are still in the works. (Supposedly the Wii U is still being sold at a loss, which boggles my mind. The only thing I can come up with is economies of scale go the other way, too.)