So anyone pointing out this completely lopsided console comparison is a Sony fanboi? Fuck, I'm not even buying a goddamn console when it comes out. I just don't see how anyone can compare the two consoles and not come away thinking the PS4 is the far better deal both in dollars and what you might want to show support for.
Again though, if you want to buy both consoles, fine. Go right ahead. Just don't come here trying to justify your purchase by saying its an investment or bragging about how awesomely rich you are that you can afford an extra console.
Yep, the start of this generation is lopsided as fuck in Sony's favor. This isn't a matter of fanboy-ism.
The fact that anyone would call me a Sony fanboy is hilarious considering that I have more X360 games than anyone else on this board and that I championed the X360 pretty hard when it was worth backing. I back the better horse, it's that fucking simple. I didn't get a PS3 until years until the cycle when it was worth buying due to Sony really pushing exclusive titles.
Xevy - if someone legitimately liked Kinect and what developers have offered so far then by all means, more power to them. I personally have not felt that I have gotten a quality experience out of it and do not think that any better revision of the hardware can significantly enhance my gameplay experience in a good way so it's just not my cup of tea.
No. Because when it comes down to multi console games, as has been said a billion times already, the lowest common denominator for specs will be the template for the game design. So, no.
Look, this "develop to the lowest common denominator" thing is bunk. It has not ever been something that has happened (on a large scale) and isn't something that's going to happen. The PS3 cross-platform titles were quite noticeably worse for years and developers *did not* hold back X360 versions to match parity on them.
I posted this before and it was just completely brushed over. Most, if not just about all, developers have more integrity than that. Compare the first games of this generation to the last games of this generation.
There is a night and day difference because developers on the whole have pushed an amazing amount of juice out of these two little boxes. The latest games might as well be from a completely different generation from the first couple years of games due to the massive differences between them.Developers learn the ins and outs of these systems and push them far beyond anything anyone thought possible.
It is merely a happy coincidence that the PS3 and X360 have ended up looking so similar over all, though both do different things better and worse than the other.
Now we have something different coming up - the PS4 is both more powerful on a very basic level than the Xbone (and significantly so) and more powerful on a deeper level, plus it's easier to code for and draw that power out. Developers are not going to hold the PS4 versions back to have parity with the Xbone versions. Developers do not do that. This what they will do: They will push both systems as far as their budget, skill, experience, and time allows. People do not go "oh, this is good enough" and just let potential power sit there without tapping into it.
Note that there is such a power and architecture difference between the two that they will have to do a lot of optimizations on the Xbone just to get games running at the same basic performance level of the PS4 without any. As the year passes and people refine their engines and knowledge with the systems you are going to see some stark differences between the two. This isn't going to be some year 4-5 thing, this is going to be a year 2 thing when people have more time and money as cross-generation support drops off (this is holding back cross-platform title performance more than anything else as X360/PS3 builds eat up a fuckton of time and money).