The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I hope all you EA/Dice fanboys dig your pockets for a PS4.


Life's a Dream
Some Resogun info:

GearNuke:The recent install size for PS4 games like Knack and Killzone: Shadow Fall has caused quite a ruckus. Given that Resogun is a digital only title, can you give us any estimated install size for the final build of the game?

Seppo Halonen:There is nothing to worry about there. The game is well under a gigabyte, so size-wise we are rather modest.
GearNuke:What form of anti-aliasing and lighting system are you using for Resogun?

Seppo Halonen:When it comes to antialiasing we are using FXAA. The lighting system is 100% deferred with HDR, SSAO, dynamic shadows and all the jazz with some screenspace reflections and dynamic color grading thrown in as well. We believe this is the first 60fps console game with all that.


Molten Core Raider
I just wish microsoft would have delayed their launch 6-8 months when they knew they were going to lose and redesign the motherfucker. Better to be a year late on a 10 year lifespan console than to not even be equipped to fight on day one. The penalties they paid couldn't have been any worse than the billions they lost on the rrod fiasco with the 360.


Redesigning would have been a disaster. It would be even worse PR, and they would lose the early installed base war even harder.


And now my Watch has ended...
I know with the WiiU you can attach an external HDD via the USB connection. I haven't heard whether or not you can with the PS4. I would think it would be possible, but since it hasn't been brought up just figured I'd ask here if anyone knows if it can or now.


I know with the WiiU you can attach an external HDD via the USB connection. I haven't heard whether or not you can with the PS4. I would think it would be possible, but since it hasn't been brought up just figured I'd ask here if anyone knows if it can or now.
No external HDDs for the PS4.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Does PS3 support externals? I've never needed extra room on my HD, so it hasn't been an issue yet.


Redesigning would have been a disaster. It would be even worse PR, and they would lose the early installed base war even harder.
Disagree. There's no bigger disaster than a console that's crippled for its entire life cycle and that's where this is likely to go. They just plain weren't ready for this and it's going to bite them in the ass. They clearly were blindsided and were not ready to release this year. Hell, they hadn't even tested anything for a public response with the sheer amount of shit that they had to back pedal on.

The Xbone is going to be lucky to hit Gamecube numbers. Microsoft's only hope here is to dump truckloads of money into first party studios and exclusive games and hope that they are good enough to float a system on.

Holding off for a year and making sure that the system architecture was solid and ready to go, the dev tools were up to snuff, and that people would be receptive to their Digital Future ideas would have been far better than rushing out and getting kicked in the nuts like they did.


FPS noob
The USB transfer rate is abysmal, so I would hope no one would use it for games
usb3 (blue) is extremely fast, pretty much the same speed as an internal 7200rpm. On average reads are going to be around 220 MB/s for internal SSD, 100-150MB/s for usb3/7200, and 30-40MB/s for usb2.0. I use a 2tb USB3 drive for my boxee and I regularly copy 20-50g of movies within 1-3 mins, compared to 15m+ minutes on my old USB2.0 drive.