The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I'm not defending this or anything, but is this something you actually do?
Misread. Yeah I still do it. My Stepson and I trade games back and forth and his Xbox is just upstairs while mine is in the theater. And then he loves to go to his friends houses and they trade games back and forth all the time. They are kids. They don't have money all over the place. In college this is also done. Guy down the hall wants to trade your game for a different one... Sure. Welp, not any more.

60 bucks please.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I guess it comes down to how big the market is for "hardcore" console gamers versus people who own a console and game on it casually. I know on this board and most console/gaming sites it will skew heavily toward the more hardcore.

A large portion of the time I play on a console is when the internet is down, I can fire it up and play some games. A huge portion of my games I bought used since I am not one who has to buy the latest and greatest game when it comes out when I know if I wait 6 months I can get it for much less and I still haven't missed anything.

Only time will tell.
If the market is mostly casual gamers, casual gamers don't buy enough games each to subsidize the cost of the console. So this thing will either be really expensive or MS is going to lose a lot of money.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Well, not having dedicated VRAM actually makes the IO in terms of GPU slower in terms of raw throughput compared to current systems.
I think I was a bit unclear. What I meant is that the PS4 should have a performance advantage in terms of graphics compared to the XB1 since they both use a shared memory architecture and the PS4 seems to offer a lot more memory bandwidth. I mean, fast memory is obviously a good thing for both the CPU and the GPU, but the CPU cache generally does a pretty good job. The GPU can't really do this (well, in a way the VRAM is a big cache for system that have it).


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I don't see the purpose in upgrading anything. My three year old $1,500 computer still runs everything at or near max settings, so upgrading PC for gaming is a waste, unless you like jerking yourself off over useless PC stats.

Console gaming is completely irrelevant. I think the last game I actually played from start to finish on a console is Red Dead Redemption, so nothing worth seeing over there. In fact, gaming in general is just terrible these days, and we've basically hit a graphics plateau, so everything at this point is just super corporations trying to get you into buying the next big thing. Then they will release CoD and EA market games for the foreseeable future.


Molten Core Raider
I don't like the idea of shit off loading to a cloud. What happens if that cloud goes down? Does my game simply not work?

That's fucking retarded right there.


Molten Core Raider
Here's the thing though, are most developers going to take the extra time optimizing code just for the PS4s faster memory, as opposed to the XB1 and PC which are both using similar DDR3 memory? Probably not unless it's an exclusive PS4 title. Your typical Tomb Raider, Battlefield, CoD, Assassins Creed, etc are going to be made with the lowest common denominator(PC/XB1) specs in mind, which the PS4 will then also run fine. Developers aren't going to spend an inordinate amount of time on just 1 of the 3 versions that they need for a game.


Confirmed Male
The roadblock Microsoft is using with indie devs SEEMS to be troubling as well (maybe I read it wrong). We have had some good games come from small time dev houses. I am not sure why XBOX cant follow the Steam model for this, but whatevs. Maybe this will change as well.


Molten Core Raider
In my post above I answered this, the answer is no, probably not. However a game designed with DDR3 in mind will still operate significantly faster on GDDR5 with no changes to the code-base. It just means that certain features that would require the speed of the PS4 won't be considered in anything but PS4 exclusive titles.
But if a developer doesn't optimize specifically for the PS4, then that extra speed basically does nothing on a console. It's not like a PC where you can maybe up the resolution another notch because you have more horsepower, or up the anti-aliasing, shadows, or other graphical options. Console games rarely have options for those things. All that extra speed is going to do is up your game from running at 30FPS on a XB1 to maybe 35-40 FPS on your PS4. So no real noticable difference the vast majority of consumers. No developer will release a game that only runs at a shitty 20FPS on XB1, while it's silky smooth on a PS4. they'll downgrade graphic options to reach that minimum magical 30fps, and the PS4 version will end up getting those same lowered graphic options as well.

Now if next-gen console developers start giving us graphical options like PC games generally have, then the PS4 could actually stretch it's legs and show off that extra horsepower. But unless that happens, 95% of the time it'll just be going to waste.


<Gold Donor>
Misread. Yeah I still do it. My Stepson and I trade games back and forth and his Xbox is just upstairs while mine is in the theater. And then he loves to go to his friends houses and they trade games back and forth all the time. They are kids. They don't have money all over the place. In college this is also done. Guy down the hall wants to trade your game for a different one... Sure. Welp, not any more.

60 bucks please.
Yeah, like I said, this will really end up biting them in the ass. My ids do the same shit. Some kid down the street does not have the latest black ops? Well, bring it over there. We have their cousins which spend the night and bring over the latest games all the time too. My feeling is that they will get such a backlash because of this they will end up scrapping that idea, or else no one will buy it. This is a huge deal which has far reaching implications.

All the other shit like the ram, the better memory or whatever, GPU, means jack and shit to the average consumer which does not know WTF this means. Also, what you said before is 100% true, the games, which 99% of them are all cross platform anyway, will be designed to make sure they run on both, meaning LCD. And the entire more powerful console point is moot.
If the market is mostly casual gamers, casual gamers don't buy enough games each to subsidize the cost of the console. So this thing will either be really expensive or MS is going to lose a lot of money.
I would wager a large sum that Microsoft's primary revenue stream through the Xbone is not through AAA gaming, but rather through monetizing all of the user data and metrics the system is continually gathering through spying on you. There is a reason it requires calling home every 24 hours and DRM is only a small part of the equation. It has to upload all of its user metrics about you to the cloud, process it, and download all the new ads for starters.

Sure gaming, app publishing, skype and of course all the features locked behind Xbox Live will contribute to its revenue stream, but its clear no longer is hardcore gaming or even casual gaming its sole or even primary focus.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Some HDD info, don't think this has been posted yet, but I might have missed it:

No real surprise there, but kind of disappointed that, on the off chance I actually did get one, I won't be able to put a better, bigger HDD in it and would have to rely on external storage at some point.
Aren't external drives like 2x the price for the same amount of capacity? If so, way to go MS on not bucking the overpriced drives trend.


Molten Core Raider
Aren't external drives like 2x the price for the same amount of capacity? If so, way to go MS on not bucking the overpriced drives trend.
And also slower having to interface through USB. I can't imagine having to load a game off of an external HD via USB. Sloooooooooooooooooooow


Molten Core Raider
Well I agree with the sentiment, I think practically speaking this is the same as saying "what is my electricity goes out"?, well yeah, you can't use it.

In reality this happens so infrequently that outages shouldn't even register as a concern, data security/privacy on the other-hand is a legitimate concern if you're the type who cares.
The thing is, that all depends on where you live. I've had internet outages that have lasted two days. I know a lot of people that have satellite internet (this is the south) and this would fuck them royally. Hell, I know people who DON'T have internet. They come into my store all of the time. Is it sad? Yes. Is it thing? Yes.

Not to mention this is pretty fucking anti-consumer. If I buy a game, I should be able to play it online or offline. Why should they get to decide for me?

I pray that Sony doesn't go the same route.
And also slower having to interface through USB. I can't imagine having to load a game off of an external HD via USB. Sloooooooooooooooooooow
I do believe the system is using USB 3.0 ports which offer a significant boost in speed for external HDDs, but of course are still typically more costly than their 2.0 counterparts.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
It would be amazing if developers decided to use the cloud to make up for Xbone's lackluster hardware, thus making the Xbone always online and not a daily check.

Didn't know DMK was such an Xbro. He mad.
Except we already know with the cloud gaming stuff for PS4 (think specifically the method they said they'll bring old gen games to PS4) that they can do similarly on it as well - so if they actually bother (odds are they won't though...) it's likely a wash unless PS4's ONLY works with old titles, which wouldn't make a lick of sense.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
edit: Another thing, the once a day check doesn't really bother me because I have stable internet. I think it is stupid but oh well. What I am really concern about is having this service is an open invitation for hackers to attack Xbox Live and take down the service and let the hilarity ensue. I guarantee you the Xbox Live servers will brought down at least once for an extended period of time due to hackers during the holidays.
Oh wow, I'd not even thought of it with the potential of DOS... I was bothered by it before, but holy shit that's awful if Live gets DOSed. (Which as we've seen in the past two years isn't impossible)