The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


Vyemm Raider
Free. Free. Free.



The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I said the same thing. It's a free game, but you can "pre-order" it through the PSN and get pre-order bonus items. I guess it's just their way of marketing/hyping the game.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Next thing you know we'll have to like them on facebook and post a twitter status update to earn these bonus items.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Agreed. Elop's strategy will deliver short term gains at the expense of long term growth. I'm not a fan at all.

Agreed with you about software, too. Software is a lot easier to develop nowadays, and I can see the world's reliance on Microsoft diminishing in the future. Look at a company like '37 Signals'; tens (hundreds?) of thousands of customers and only a handful of employees. That wouldn't have been doable a decade ago.

RE: Consoles

Thing is, if you look purely at the number of consoles sold and the amount of software being sold and only that, then the console market seems very healthy. Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony shifted 240 million units last gen - great, right?

But none of the companies are making good money. Sony made money hand over fist with the PS1 and PS2, but threw it all away with the PS3. Microsoft never made any money, and Nintendo is on its way to losing all of its well earned Wii and NDS profits.

If we look at software, how many development houses have shut down during the past generation? It must be more than a hundred, at this point.

The console market seems poisonous, not healthy.

As a gamer, I'm not worried at all, though. I really do enjoy tablet/smartphone gaming, and I'm loving Steam. I think things are going to be just fine in the future.

Before when I was getting everyone riled up on purpose (Because I think console wars are ridiculous - and I had just watched Man on the Moon so I was in the Andy Kaufman mood) there was a little truth to the fundamental shift in the industry/technology/software scape.

I think we are going to see a lot more avenues and ingenious ways to deliver any content to any device without technology islands in the console realm, and that is where I think Steam O/S will be taking over the gaming industry down the road. My prediction is that exclusives on consoles are going to be fading out. Along with hardware producers owning software development companies to force that down to sell hardware. Steam O/S is built with gaming in mind. It is also built with cross platform in mind - with easy development to target multi-platform without porting. (Meaning other consoles will be able to implement the O/S - Not just for PC based systems) and the games will scale with the type of system you have running the Steam O/S.


Life's a Dream
It's strange. I tried to add it to card and check out, but it gave me an error when I did so. So I went back and reloaded the page and it said I had purchased it.



Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Microsoft: You people were just too stupid to understand the genius in our always online console plan

Penello: 'People just weren't ready' for all-digital Xbox One | Joystiq

Microsoft Senior Director of Product Management Albert Penello called the reveal of the Xbox One "the dark days," when the company didn't present a clear message to customers and it saw a wave of backlash to an all-digital, DRM-tuned console.

"I do feel like we never got a chance to have arational conversationabout what we were trying to do," Penello told Engadget.

When Microsoft revealed the Xbox One, it didn't have consistent answers to basic questions: Was it always on? Would it allow used games? Eventually, Microsoft announced Xbox One would require an internet connection once every day, and that didn't go over so well. Microsoft reversed its DRM features a few weeks later.

"Sometimes the customer just says, 'No. I look at it this way, I'm done, I've made up my mind,'" Penello said. "And we go, well, we've gotta fix it. It's not worth it.And that's where I think we were on the digital stuff. We'll get back to some of the cool stuff, and we have a lot of the cool stuff still in there."

Penello said Microsoft hasn't given up on a fully digital future. "We just think that's the way the future's gonna go," he said. "We may have been right. What we were wrong about was that it's just too soon. People just weren't ready to make that leap right away."
Microsoft proving they learn nothing.

It has nothing to do with all digital distribution, which most people wouldn't and don't have a problem with (look at how well Itunes and the app store do and they sell absolutely nothing physical) the issue was the 24 hour checks, the always on kinect, the blind tone deafness and insulting condescension from Microsoft which, oh look, this press release is just full of that same blind arrogance and stone stupid point of view that we, the lowly consumer, the people paying the bills at Microsoft, are just too damn dumb to know what we want in a product that costs us a cool 500 bucks.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I like how they say, 'People weren't ready to have a rational conversation'. Ok dude, let's have that conversation now. Tell me what cool stuff you have to go with the shit you're trying to shovel. Because all I saw was trying to take the profitability of having a Steam based system without giving the consumers the benefits that Steam provides.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This guy from Nokia is a backward thinker. If anyone thinks Microsoft will be riding the operating system sale/office sale for long, they are flat out, out of touch.

With Apple now giving away their OS and all updates for free with hardware purchases (This isn't without a ploy to drive hardware sales though. Introduce new software, slow down a system, sell another piece of hardware) and free fully functional and implemented office suites of their own, along with competition from google, those days of Microsoft charging boatloads of cash for their O/S"s are soon going to die. Steam O/S will also make a huge impact. If anything because it is yet another disrupter, and another choice, while Microosoft stagnates. If you cannot see yet, MS is slowly becoming the next Blackberry. Albeit a slow death because they are followers not completely 100% stagnant.
I'm going to put this as nicely add I can. You are a fucking moron. Microsoft has a death grip on business and corporate
America. That isn't changing. Stream OS won't have any noticeable impact either. Fucking idiot. How is everything you post in this thread so dumb? Your stupidity rustled my jimmies.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Yeah the rational conversation bit is literally just them saying all their customers are too stupid or crazy to know how awesome the product Microsoft wanted to sell us was going to be.

Anytime Microsoft thinks some product is going to be awesome, that translates to they think its going to be really profitable for them, so they can't comprehend why a consumer wouldn't think what they were offering was as awesome as Microsoft thinks it is. They are literally Sears Robuck for the digital world. An aging dinosaur so insulated from reality that it can't even begin to fathom a mindset that doesn't agree with their own.

Microsoft is a man locked in a circular building whose walls are covered in mirrors. They're talking to themselves, seeing only themselves, and have gone so mad from the isolation that they literally think all those images are other people, rather than just themselves.


I think we are going to see a lot more avenues and ingenious ways to deliver any content to any device without technology islands in the console realm, and that is where I think Steam O/S will be taking over the gaming industry down the road. My prediction is that exclusives on consoles are going to be fading out. Along with hardware producers owning software development companies to force that down to sell hardware. Steam O/S is built with gaming in mind. It is also built with cross platform in mind - with easy development to target multi-platform without porting. (Meaning other consoles will be able to implement the O/S - Not just for PC based systems) and the games will scale with the type of system you have running the Steam O/S.
Nintendo and Sony likely have another 2+ consoles in them, just because they'll hardcore stick to their guns Japanese style. regardless of how the market shifts. They also have the IP power and global presence to do it. Sony will keep their hardware super easy to develop for and possibly pack in their VR displays with the PS5 if those really take off. Nintendo will be Nintendo and either do something incredibly stupid or incredibly brilliant.


I like how they say, 'People weren't ready to have a rational conversation'. Ok dude, let's have that conversation now. Tell me what cool stuff you have to go with the shit you're trying to shovel. Because all I saw was trying to take the profitability of having a Steam based system without giving the consumers the benefits that Steam provides.
I don't think it's possible to have a "rational conversation" with a company that wants to give you all stick and no carrot. Microsoft's just mad that everyone refused to bend over for them and the fact that we fucked over their backroom deals they were getting for DRMing the shit out of everyone.


Yeah the rational conversation bit is literally just them saying all their customers are too stupid or crazy to know how awesome the product Microsoft wanted to sell us was going to be.

Anytime Microsoft thinks some product is going to be awesome, that translates to they think its going to be really profitable for them, so they can't comprehend why a consumer wouldn't think what they were offering was as awesome as Microsoft thinks it is. They are literally Sears Robuck for the digital world. An aging dinosaur so insulated from reality that it can't even begin to fathom a mindset that doesn't agree with their own.

Microsoft is a man locked in a circular building whose walls are covered in mirrors. They're talking to themselves, seeing only themselves, and have gone so mad from the isolation that they literally think all those images are other people, rather than just themselves.
Great post.

I blame Ballmer. He's completely out of touch with customers and his hubris blinds him to the realities of the world around him.

I'm reminded of this --

When I saw the Apple keynote, I didn't understand why people were making such a big fuss about it. No buttons? Screw that. My brother, however, ordered an iPhone as soon as they went on sale.

When I finally got to use his phone, it blew me away. I knew there and then that it would change the face of electronics, and I ordered one that day. If I, some random 22 year old kid in England, could recognise the brilliance and the importance of the iPhone, how couldn't the CEO of the biggest tech company in the world? It confounds me.

I'm going to put this as nicely add I can. You are a fucking moron. Microsoft has a death grip on business and corporate
America. That isn't changing. Stream OS won't have any noticeable impact either. Fucking idiot. How is everything you post in this thread so dumb? Your stupidity rustled my jimmies.
You're right. It's probably in Microsoft's best interests to go the way of IBM and focus on the enterprise software and services market. Forget Xbox. Forget Surface. Forget Bing. Focus on the business market instead.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Ballmer should have been forced by the Microsoft shareholders to sit in a room and watch the first 30 seconds of that clip play on repeat with his eyes held open ala the Robot Chicken intro until he either broke completely, leaving him in a state of catatonic schizophrenia or he finally woke up to how incredibly fucking wrong he is about everything.

The fact that they didn't is a crime against humanity.

I don't think it's possible to have a "rational conversation" with a company that wants to give you all stick and no carrot. Microsoft's just mad that everyone refused to bend over for them and the fact that we fucked over their backroom deals they were getting for DRMing the shit out of everyone.
Pretty much this. Microsoft mad they wanted to take it up our asses without lube and have us begging for a second pass.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
How has MS managed to release a walk through of the retail OS before Sony? Also I'm still hopeful we'll get a lot of the benefits of their DRM plan back, just in a form people can opt into. I want the digitally-purchased benefits from retail titles.



Vyemm Raider
Really comes back to basic human nature. Not sure why you guys try to equate it with anything else. Pride being the number one issue. For you guys working in the corporate world surely you understand. If someone has an idea and everyone else thinks it's retarded does the person sit down and go "Oh, I must be a fucking idiot!", no they rationalize it away and say something like "Oh, they just don't understand!".

Anyone clamoring that MS is on its death bed is definitely out of touch. Sure they are making a lot of mistakes, but taking one look at my current or previous companies volume licensing bill and you can see they have a long ways to go before being dead...


Nintendo and Sony likely have another 2+ consoles in them, just because they'll hardcore stick to their guns Japanese style. regardless of how the market shifts. They also have the IP power and global presence to do it. Sony will keep their hardware super easy to develop for and possibly pack in their VR displays with the PS5 if those really take off. Nintendo will be Nintendo and either do something incredibly stupid or incredibly brilliant.
It's funny how much Nintendo remind me of RIM.

RIM were making money hand over fist with the Blackberry, and then the iPhone came along. Instead of innovating and doing their best to match market conditions, they decided to stay their course. We all know how that turned out.

RIM had market share, IP power and a global presence, just like Nintendo. RIM had no debt and a warchest of billions, just like Nintendo. RIM is virtually irrelevant now. Nintendo probably will be too if they don't make big changes soon.

RE: Sony

It'll all depend on the PS4. Sony is going to have to slog it out if they're going to make that console a success. It's going to be an uphill battle for them and, to be honest, I don't fancy their chances.

If the PS4 fails, there won't be a PS5, because Kaz Hirai will be ousted and replaced with a CEO who doesn't care for gaming.

Edit - Just think about what the PS3 has cost Sony.

There's the financial cost. $5 billion~.

Sony expected the cell to be big business, and it wasn't, which hampered their plans. They also thought that the PS3 might replace computers eventually - why else did they include the 'Other OS' feature? They also thought blu-ray would be a much bigger deal than it is (Sony expected blu-ray sales to overtake DVD sales in 2011; to date, DVD sales are still higher than blu-ray sales, and digital distribution services are eating into that).

And then there's the opportunity cost. All of money and talent invested into the Playstation division could have gone to the Xperia division instead. Sony might have been where Samsung is now had they recognised the importance of smartphones and tablets. Investors are going to remember that.

Sony is hoping the PS4 will be like the PS2, selling 140 million units worldwide. I don't think there's a chance in hell of that happening.


Anyone clamoring that MS is on its death bed is definitely out of touch. Sure they are making a lot of mistakes, but taking one look at my current or previous companies volume licensing bill and you can see they have a long ways to go before being dead...
I don't think anyone here is really proclaiming that Microsoft is on its death bed, they're a huge company with a lot of shit. The "problem" right now is that some really major people want to possibly get rid of the Xbox division and narrow the focus of the company to just some of their more lucrative assets.


RE: Sony

It'll all depend on the PS4. Sony is going to have to slog it out if they're going to make that console a success. It's going to be an uphill battle for them and, to be honest, I don't fancy their chances.

If the PS4 fails, there won't be a PS5, because Kaz Hirai will be ousted and replaced with a CEO who doesn't care for gaming.
The PS4 will almost certainly make them money. They haven't blown billions on R&D and have hardware that immediately turns a profit (and won't be taking any losses on it pretty soon). Kaz won't be going anywhere because of the PS4. If anything happens to him it'll be because they've beenhemorrhagingmoney on their TV division for just about10 years straightnow. Their console division is really the only technology part of their company making them money and most of their profits come from their Insurance side of the business. Sony's got a LOT of shit they have to fix, but the console side isn't one of them (they already fixed it).


Golden Squire
Plus the PS4 uses opengl. Hopefully that alignment makes it easy to make games run natively on SteamOS, but I doubt it'll be that easy.
The PS4 supporting OpenGL is pretty much meaningless except for some indie devs. All it says is that the hardware at least supports Y features. Any game company with the resources to do so will call the hardware directly. That or just buy a license to an engine that does that for them. Now, what does matter is that both the Xbone and PS4 have basically the same graphics architecture meaning those hardware calls are pretty much the same

What will really make games easier to port to PC and SteamOS is that the Xbone and PS4 are using PC hardware under the hood this time. No more Cell/PowerPC crap.