The Big Bad Console Thread - Sway your Station with an Xboner !


The PS4 supporting OpenGL is pretty much meaningless except for some indie devs. All it says is that the hardware at least supports Y features. Any game company with the resources to do so will call the hardware directly. That or just buy a license to an engine that does that for them. Now, what does matter is that both the Xbone and PS4 have basically the same graphics architecture meaning those hardware calls are pretty much the same

What will really make games easier to port to PC and SteamOS is that the Xbone and PS4 are using PC hardware under the hood this time. No more Cell/PowerPC crap.
I think Tuco's point was that since the PS4 and SteamOS are both Unix-like systems and both use OpenGL for games it may help more SteamOS ports happen. Right now Valve is going to have an uphill battle convincing everyone to do yet another SKU of their games. Developers on the whole aren't going to bend over backwards to do that and anything thatpotentiallyhelps that is a good thing.


The PS4 will almost certainly make them money. They haven't blown billions on R&D and have hardware that immediately turns a profit (and won't be taking any losses on it pretty soon). Kaz won't be going anywhere because of the PS4. If anything happens to him it'll be because they've beenhemorrhagingmoney on their TV division for just about10 years straightnow. Their console division is really the only technology part of their company making them money and most of their profits come from their Insurance side of the business. Sony's got a LOT of shit they have to fix, but the console side isn't one of them (they already fixed it).
They've fixed it for now, but tomorrow is another day. Technology moves so very quickly and the PS4 has a lot of things going against it. Console launches are inherently risky, too. Nintendo was on top of the world with the Wii and the NDS - look at them now.

Looking at the PS4, I think it has the following hurdles to overcome.

- Price; $400 is a lot to ask of people. People are willing to pay $60 for the latest GTA game, but are they willing to pay $400 + $60? I'm not sure.
- Competition; smartphones and tablets are competing for people's entertainment dollars. People are going to find themselves asking the question 'Should I get a new tablet/smartphone or a PS4?', and I think a lot of more people are going to choose the tablet/smartphone option.
- Competition for games; smartphone and tablet gaming are on the rise, stealing away people's gaming time (I've spent more time playing Marvel Puzzle Quest this week than any 'traditional' games.. hah), and Steam is a growing threat, particularly in countries where Sony has little to no presence. We also know a low cost Amazon console is coming, which could be huge.

And then, as I said above, there's the lost opportunity cost. What if the people working on the Playstation were working on Xperias instead? Sony would probably be in a much healthier condition right now.

And yes, the television division is a mess. They should have dropped it years ago.

I think Tuco's point was that since the PS4 and SteamOS are both Unix-like systems and both use OpenGL for games it may help more SteamOS ports happen. Right now Valve is going to have an uphill battle convincing everyone to do yet another SKU of their games. Developers on the whole aren't going to bend over backwards to do that and anything thatpotentiallyhelps that is a good thing.
Are you fucking kidding me? Do you not remember when I linked several financial statements for EA, Activision and Ubisoft that showed that the PC market was driving huge revenue for them? Have you completely missed the fact that PC ports have become common as fuck over the past few years?

Maybe in the US, where people seem to be enamoured by console gaming, PCs are falling by the wayside, but not anywhere else.

Edit - Look, some data!


And this isretailonly. Throw in digital and the numbers would be significantly closer.


I do not think that smartphone and tablet gaming is stealing anything away from the traditional gaming audience and we're not all old and dying yet. It may be less popular among kids, but mobile gaming is not completely replacing traditional gaming for adults on the whole. It's an additional experience that people do use, but we haven't all thrown away our consoles and PCs in favor of it and won't.

GTA5 absolutelydestroyedall previous records, because people still want that type of big experience and you are not getting that on mobile devices. The PS4 also has the highest pre-order numbers for a console ever, I think it'll do just fine. Peoplearewilling to spend that $400.


We pretty much already knew this, but here's confirmation:Xbox One practically unusable without day one update | Tech Culture - CNET News

Microsoft's Xbox One will have very little functionality out of the box when it launches later this month.
Speaking to Engadget in an interview published on Friday, Microsoft's senior director of product management, Albert Penello, said that owners of the Xbox One "will be able to do very little without taking the day one update." When pressed on what users could do with the Xbox One before the update is added to the console, Penello said "nothing."


Are you fucking kidding me? Do you not remember when I linked several financial statements for EA, Activision and Ubisoft that showed that the PC market was driving huge revenue for them? Have you completely missed the fact that PC ports have become common as fuck over the past few years?

Maybe in the US, where people seem to be enamoured by console gaming, PCs are falling by the wayside, but not anywhere else.

Edit - Look, some data!


And this isretailonly. Throw in digital and the numbers would be significantly closer.
"PC gaming" isn't the same thing as "Linux gaming" dude. People are not going to drop their pants and all make SteamOS ports of games immediately. It is going to be a process.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
The PS4 supporting OpenGL is pretty much meaningless except for some indie devs. All it says is that the hardware at least supports Y features. Any game company with the resources to do so will call the hardware directly. That or just buy a license to an engine that does that for them. Now, what does matter is that both the Xbone and PS4 have basically the same graphics architecture meaning those hardware calls are pretty much the same

What will really make games easier to port to PC and SteamOS is that the Xbone and PS4 are using PC hardware under the hood this time. No more Cell/PowerPC crap.
Yeah you might be right.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Same exact dude complaining in my link that no one was ready for a "rational conversation" on the issues at hand is quoted here as saying the Xbone is completely useless out of box without an internet connection for the day 1 update.

I know its just an update but c'mon Microsoft. This has gone beyond absurd into the obscene.

Added: I can just see the types of people I know who are die hard xbox fans, many of them poor, with spotty internet access outside of their phones, buying this, coming home, finding out without their cable turned on this month, they just bought a very large and unweildy paperweight and having a flat out shit fit.

One guy in particular especially. He very well may have canceled his cable and internet service for a few months to save up to buy the xbox 1 actually. Wouldn't surprise me one bit for that to be the case.


The Wii U had the highest amount of preorders for a console ever, remember?



Look at those impressive Q1 sales!

Numbers of preorders mean jack shit. The fact that the PS4 is the most preordered console ever means nothing. In 2005, how many people actually preordered electronics? Nowadays, you can go onto Amazon and preorder anything within a second. Of course numbers of preorders are going to be higher!

People on this forum aren't going to switch over to tablet/smartphone gaming. But what about the people who bought an Xbox 360 or a PS3 sometime in the last 4-5 years? These people aren't early adopters. They're not hardcore gamers. They're going to buy cross platform ports for the next few years, and they're going to be happy doing so. When the time comes to buy a console, in 2-3 years time, that's when they'll have to ask themselves "do I really need one?", and I think the answer will be no, especially if Apple/Amazon/Google/etc. have products that cater for this market (and they do, and they will).

And GTA5 means jack shit. It just says that people are willing to pay $60 for a new GTA game, which is great! Will they be willing to pay $400+$60 for the next? Well, that's a completely different question altogether, and it's not one we can answer right now.

Finally, mobile/tablet gaming is such a young medium. The iPad isonly3 and a half years old. That's it. And yet it's already sold 170m units worldwide. Tablets are now common as muck, which is crazy considering they weren't even around a few years ago. The fact that mobile/tablet gaming is as popular as it is is incredible, and we're already seeing bigger, more fully featured games releasing for mobile. Mobile/tablet gaming is only going to grow more popular from here (unless something truly revolutionary usurps it, anyway).


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Speaking of day 1 updates, I hope the 1.5 update for PS4 is easily downloaded on day 1. I imagine the servers are going to be hammered.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I'm going to put this as nicely add I can. You are a fucking moron. Microsoft has a death grip on business and corporate
America. That isn't changing. Stream OS won't have any noticeable impact either. Fucking idiot. How is everything you post in this thread so dumb? Your stupidity rustled my jimmies.
Are you Canadian like Quaid?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I like how they say, 'People weren't ready to have a rational conversation'. Ok dude, let's have that conversation now. Tell me what cool stuff you have to go with the shit you're trying to shovel. Because all I saw was trying to take the profitability of having a Steam based system without giving the consumers the benefits that Steam provides.
Yep exactly.


"PC gaming" isn't the same thing as "Linux gaming" dude. People are not going to drop their pants and all make SteamOS ports of games immediately. It is going to be a process.
Two things;

1 - Valve has been talking to developers for three years about SteamOS. This isn't something they decided to do yesterday. They've been planning it for a long time.

2 - There's 923 games for OSX available through Steam. There's more on the Mac App Store. According to the Steam Hardware Survey, about 2% of Steam users run OSX. That hasn't stopped developers from making games for the platform. If there's money to be made on a platform, developers and publishers will release on it.


Golden Squire
Not that it means much, but I guess Nvidia doesn't really believe in SteamOS:Android Is Gamings Future, And The One OS To Rule Them All, Says Nvidia CEO | TechCrunch
Not surprising since nVidia is heavily invested in Android in the mobile space.

Edit: More to the point, SteamOS is going to have some major issues when it ships. Namely that the PS4 and Xbone will both have more feature complete OSs that'll let me use things like Netflix, Crunchyroll, and Amazon Instant Video out of the box. Whereas, IIRC, SteamOS won't support any of that when it's released. So SteamOS supports games, that's... Ok I guess? Yes, SteamOS will get streaming apps, etc. but it will take quite a bit of time for that to happen.


Do you have a link?
Looks like they took it down. It was here:PS4 1.5 Update File is apparently up on update servers - NeoGAF

Hopefully they put it up for download somewhere before launch.

Also this person claims the servers won't be slammed:NeoGAF - View Single Post - PS4 1.5 Update File is apparently up on update servers

Their servers won't be slammed The hostname in the XML is an Akamai CDN server. canonical name = canonical name = canonical name = canonical name =

It'll be pushed to all of Akamai's tens of thousands of edge servers before Sony flips the switch and puts it live.

In fact, I'd guess they were doing a live fire update test to make sure the Akamai config was correct, performance was good, etc, before release day.


Not surprising since nVidia is heavily invested in Android in the mobile space.

Edit: More to the point, SteamOS is going to have some major issues when it ships. Namely that the PS4 and Xbone will both have more feature complete OSs that'll let me use things like Netflix, Crunchyroll, and Amazon Instant Video out of the box. Whereas, IIRC, SteamOS won't support any of that when it's released. So SteamOS supports games, that's... Ok I guess? Yes, SteamOS will get streaming apps, etc. but it will take quite a bit of time for that to happen.
SteamOS is probably going to suck until Year 2 or Year 3. Think of next year's launch as a beta product that will evolve gradually over time.

I'll be sticking with Windows for the next few years, I reckon. If SteamOS actually develops into a good OS though, I'll switch without a moment's hesitation.


SteamOS is probably going to suck until Year 2 or Year 3. Think of next year's launch as a beta product that will evolve gradually over time.
You know, this is pretty much exactly what I was saying, right? I didn't say that no one would port SteamOS games, just that it would be a process and that every single thing would not be on thereimmediatelywhen it comes out. Eventually, if it's successful, it'll probably get a majority of the ports, but not everyone is going to immediately start making SteamOS SKUs of their game on Day One.