Ugh, finally gave up on this. So tired of Shows like this and The Mentalist with Scooby Doo-like plots, magic forensics, cornball Dick Tracy villains (each more deadly than the last! *mustache twirl* MUHAHAHA), unbelievable dialogue and actions to drive the predictable plot along its well worn rut, all so you can finally get to the bottom of some cool mystery the writers dangle like freedom at the end of a shit-strewn tunnel 3 hundred yards long (that'd be 3 football fields to you and me).
Unlike Andy Dufresne, however, we the audience rarely come out clean on the other side. Usually we have a 'Lost' ending waiting to sledgehammer you in the balls for your trouble.
Yes, I want to know who Reddington is to the woman (yeah she is hot, but holy fuck, every fucking scene with her she has this pained expression like she has a colon full of razor blades) he creeps on. I want to know who the dudes are that jerk off while running surveillance on her. I also want to know if agent Jockstrap is really just a machine sent back from the future to provide us with wooden acting but ill be fucked if im going to sit through this slick oily delivery system for Papa Johns commercials to find any of it out. I'll wait until it's over and read about it in the paper.
I guess I am too spoiled on HBO series shows now and even some of that BBC stuff is excellent.
Insincere apologies for ranting when some of you still do want to discuss what you like about this show. Carry on.