The Blacklist


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Really enjoying the show but the acid in the bathtub made me roll my eyes. Cause Jessie.


Trakanon Raider
The fact that each of their "supervillains" are supposedly the most notorious, hardest to catch, never even heard of criminals, yet they keep getting trivially taken out in 30 minutes irritates me. Can't at least one of them get away or win at least for an episode or two? When I turn a blind eye to that, I still enjoy the show for what it is.


<Prior Amod>
the minor drug lord villian won and got away right? cuz it would also compromise Red if the drug lord got caught, means Red's services suck. why do all the supervillians keep coming to DC? lol they should have a facebook group of supervillians like "dayam supervillian #111 got caught in DC", "maybe we should stay away from the nations capital for a bit?"


Really enjoying this show, needs more James Spader time though. The whole thing could just be him for 45 minutes and I'd be good.


And yup, done, this show is a pile of shit from top to bottom.

Miami Metro laughs at how incompetent the FBI is. SmugSpader tells them the main suspect will be going free yet when the chap in the jury has a heart attack she hands over the main witness to the first fuckwit she spots. At least she didn't try roaming around the main FBI evidence storage without authorisation. Whoops she did but thankfully the guard was using Metal Gear Solid AI and broke off the search pretty quickly without alerting his superiors or using the cctv to catch her.

HomelandMike's FBI Agent character might as well just say "Hodor!" in place of his dialogue and nothing of value would be lost.

As for El Druggo, Spader made a comment about him being on his plane which seemed to imply he may have gotten away from the FBI but he perhaps will be going for a swim along the way to Venezuela.

Yeah, too many words wasted on this. When it finishes its series run I'll ask around and see if it got any good later on.


Avatar of War Slayer
i thought they said there were 100 people on his list, this chick was like 170.

wonder if the husband works for red's unknown adversary


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
i thought they said there were 100 people on his list, this chick was like 170.
The main problem is you're delusionally trying to find sense in a show where FBI is the modern days Gestapo, every event is a family matter where every character has convenient connections, top tier wanted criminals make deals because they wear fine tailored suits with fedoras and L'Oreal female profilers have manjaws with maybelline makeup because they're being tough & sexy at the same time. You're basically being poop-mouthfed during 45 minutes of 1980' bad punchlines, regurgitated gimmicks, play-doh writing and eye candy malehood. Looking for sense there would turn as efficient as looking for objective reviews in nowadays gaming journalism.


Vyemm Raider
So what do you do if you're a trained federal agent and a tiny russian chick puts you in a sleeper hold? You stand there waiting to pass out. I had no idea.

Pumpkin Thief

Bronze Baronet of the Realm
They tried to excuse that by having him magically steal her cell phone during his unmanly choke-out session.


<Prior Amod>
btw for those that watched breaking bad(all of you should have) red's butler guy(or whatever) is skinny pete.


Vyemm Raider
They tried to excuse that by having him magically steal her cell phone during his unmanly choke-out session.
Except he didn't. She magically dropped it, and nothing else, during the scuffle. The only reason he even noticed it was cuz it was ringing. And why was it ringing? Cuz Lizzy called it. Why the fuck would she answer a call from the cellphone of a guy she just murdered? She wouldn't, but agent whatshisface would. Ugh.


btw for those that watched breaking bad(all of you should have) red's butler guy(or whatever) is skinny pete.
And the Russian chick is Fauxmanda fromRevenge. Although, honestly, not worth mentioning other than she's fairly hot.


<Prior Amod>
actually getting tired of this show... the husband is acting all too "fake dreamy" as my wife put it and i agree, like he's a textbook character you'd make in a rom/com movie about the poor/hard working husband with a big heart. this eps is pretty much a filler eps, got absolutely nothing out of it.

really wish they'd at least try to develop the characters more.

can the black director be anymore more than stern black guy?

can agent jock be anything more than stick up the butt hardnose?

indian girl is basically "substitute agent" oh agent jock and liz need an agent to run in dramatically with.

black chauffeur, doesn't talk, and apparently has level 10 skill in planting bombs

chinese girl, stares and buys stuff

i mean if we have a spaderless eps, this would be the worst fbi drama ever. which means this is beginning to be a horrible show, you can't just bankroll the show on a guy that only gets 8minutes of screentime an eps. i mean it's really hard to care for any character other than spader, the rest are super bland.


Bronze Squire
I agree with most everything lanx said. Except that what he said needs capitalization.

Pumpkin Thief

Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Ugh, finally gave up on this. So tired of Shows like this and The Mentalist with Scooby Doo-like plots, magic forensics, cornball Dick Tracy villains (each more deadly than the last! *mustache twirl* MUHAHAHA), unbelievable dialogue and actions to drive the predictable plot along its well worn rut, all so you can finally get to the bottom of some cool mystery the writers dangle like freedom at the end of a shit-strewn tunnel 3 hundred yards long (that'd be 3 football fields to you and me).

Unlike Andy Dufresne, however, we the audience rarely come out clean on the other side. Usually we have a 'Lost' ending waiting to sledgehammer you in the balls for your trouble.

Yes, I want to know who Reddington is to the woman (yeah she is hot, but holy fuck, every fucking scene with her she has this pained expression like she has a colon full of razor blades) he creeps on. I want to know who the dudes are that jerk off while running surveillance on her. I also want to know if agent Jockstrap is really just a machine sent back from the future to provide us with wooden acting but ill be fucked if im going to sit through this slick oily delivery system for Papa Johns commercials to find any of it out. I'll wait until it's over and read about it in the paper.

I guess I am too spoiled on HBO series shows now and even some of that BBC stuff is excellent.

Insincere apologies for ranting when some of you still do want to discuss what you like about this show. Carry on.


Molten Core Raider
The thing that ruined this show for me was my wife pointing out how terrible the wig on the main actress is...Once you realize it is a wig...You can't stop seeing how poorly they disguise it.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Got news for ya broski. Most women on TV are wearing wigs. I bet a lot of the men are too. It's like being upset because you just noticed she's wearing makeup.


Bronze Squire
Insincere apologies for ranting when some of you still do want to discuss what you like about this show. Carry on.
Spader was the only thing making this watchable for me. The other acting is pedestrian at best, and the writing is shit.


<Gold Donor>
Holy shit. Just started watching the beginning of Pacific Rim, and was shocked to realize that Agent Sternyface on The Blacklist is the main character's older brother in Pacific Rim. Freaky.