The Blacklist


<Silver Donator>
As much as I know and accept that this show is meant to be entertaining and not to be taken too seriously the way they treated the concept of the governments most sensitive data networks in this episode made me nerdrage a bit.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
I long ago gave up trying to rationalize anything tech related in TV shows/movies. It's just an exercise in futility.


<Prior Amod>
Yea, the way the blond chick explained why all the most dangerous criminals were stored along with the most sensitive data was b/c information vital to the nations security travels at the pace of the pony express.


Molten Core Raider
As much as I know and accept that this show is meant to be entertaining and not to be taken too seriously the way they treated the concept of the governments most sensitive data networks in this episode made me nerdrage a bit.
The characters on the show nerdraged a bit when they were told that as well. lol


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I also nerdraged at what it took to blow the boiler. It takes 2 people. one has to press this button, the other has to turn these valves on and off.



<Prior Amod>
there was another episode this week btw, the conclusion since they moved to thurs. I really don't know if the actress megan boone is really bad or they just write her off as dumb as they come.

Also, are they so thin with plot and character development that the only thing that new chick is good for is to be shot? she's been shot twice already.


We get it. Red is her father, quit dancing around the topic so much that you decide to do a twist and make him really not the father but his twin brother or something.


<Silver Donator>
I remember back when the first mention of the fulcrum and Lizzie happened and I looked at my wife and said....
Remember that stuffed bunny she keep hauling around from her childhood???

And yeah, odds on Red actually being her father are so high right now that I think Vegas is no longer accepting bets.


<Gold Donor>
I'm not disagreeing with him being her father, but last season I seem to remember we discussed the fact that he said he'd never lie to her, and she straight up asked him if he was her father, and he said no. And I think I even mentioned how much bullshit it would be if he rationalized it somehow as he wasn't around, so he wasn't *really* her father, the other guy was. Even though he's her biological father.

If they actually make him her father, I really need to see how he deals with the never lying to her part (beyond saying it was for her own good) or it is going to fall flat for me no matter what they do.


Trakanon Raider
I'm not disagreeing with him being her father, but last season I seem to remember we discussed the fact that he said he'd never lie to her, and she straight up asked him if he was her father, and he said no. And I think I even mentioned how much bullshit it would be if he rationalized it somehow as he wasn't around, so he wasn't *really* her father, the other guy was. Even though he's her biological father.

If they actually make him her father, I really need to see how he deals with the never lying to her part (beyond saying it was for her own good) or it is going to fall flat for me no matter what they do.
I assumed that Reddington is her father, and the guy we see in the series isn't actually Reddington. It's consistent with not lying - as far as I recall he's never actually told her his name.


<Prior Amod>
the lengths that he's gone to protect her is exactly how far a parent would go for their child, not a niece or god-child. Even tho he said he'd "never lie to her" and said he isn't the father, this eps also had that memory bitch say that liz has already had some tampering already... so maybe that's what red is banking on, that the first set of mental blocks will hold up.

any plot idea why we saw a live bunny in her memories when it was clearly the burned up one being referenced?


Vyemm Raider
Eh, maybe to a 4 year old, it was alive.

As far as Red protecting Keen, he knew/suspected that locked in her memory was the location of the Fulcrum, the only thing keeping those council peeps from offing him. Protecting her is protecting himself.


<Silver Donator>
any plot idea why we saw a live bunny in her memories when it was clearly the burned up one being referenced?
How many kids consider their favorite stuffed animal to be alive? Ever had a kid with a doll they read to, have tea with, have conversations with.. etc...?


Molten Core Raider
A better twist would be going the original Darth Vader route.

No. I *killed* your father!


Golden Squire
I groaned at the end where they yet again hammered the nail in by her talking to the hypnotist woman who said that sometimes in memories the people get switched round...



<Gold Donor>
Like I said, I agree that it makes sense that he is her father, and I agree that he has gone to great (fatherly perhaps) lengths to protect her, but if he is keeping his promise of not lying (big "if" I realize, he's an habitual liar), they need to deal with that somehow, or he's not her father. I'm just saying that I'll be upset if he's like, "LOL I lied to you to protect you, even though I said I'd never lie" and that's where they leave it.