I don't think they're done with the Tusken story. I mean, his time with the tribe is, obviously, but when Boba went to talk with the Pykes they said they had dealings with the Nikto bikers and the biker gang is, apparently, behind the destruction of the Tusken camp.
It's rather obvious the attack on the camp was ordered by the Pykes as revenge for their train getting attacked by the Tuskens, and they used the biker gang to do the job, deflecting the blame on them so Boba can go ham on their asses.
Note how Boba reacts in present time when the Hutt twins and then the mayor's majordomo tell him the Pykes are coming for Jabba's assets, he's very interested in seeing the syndicate again, so I'm thinking perhaps he found out between the flashbacks and now that they were behind the slayings and he wants some revenge.