Pykes have always been made out to be hardasses in the animated shows. Even the Hutts don't want shit to do with them,the obvious answer is Boba has no chance on his own of taking down the syndicate. he will form a council with the local gangs and make those guys help him deal with the syndicate.
IIRC from KOTOR/KOTOR2 it's a life debt now? Wookie-doodle-doo.Scooter gang was dumb, but I did like the Rancor. They seem to be hinting we will see a battle rancor later with Boba wanting to learn to ride one. The Hutts basically selling out the Wookie was predictable and will probably fit into my previous “saved = loyalty” post about the underlying theme in this show.
That Tuskan body pile wasn’t that large, so presumably they didn’t all die. I’m guessing there will still be a follow up.
I was kinda hoping the rancor gift was a trick, it wanting to eat the first thing it saw, survival instinct or some such. Om nom nom nom, beskar tooth pick. I mean, comon, "stand here"...sorta like the "oooh, ooh, I'm standing on the pit, press the button, oh wise adversary". So dumb.Star Wars awesome, Robert Rodriguez awesome. Star Wars + Robert Rodriguez = not awesome. The minute Boba came across the teen group I knew this episode was not gonna be for me. Like everyone else said, the biker gang scene was awful. Take that out and this episode would be a lot better. Would be cool if Krrsantan sticks around as Boba's version of Chewie.
rotj was 4aby, (dead rancor) him being daimyo is at least 9aby, probably 10abythat rancor was intended to replace the rancor luke killed. this was for when the Hutts take back the palace. the rancor wasnt a gift.
its hard to find rancorsrotj was 4aby, (dead rancor) him being daimyo is at least 9aby, probably 10aby
it takes 5 years to get a new rancor?
Both canon and legends says the BoBF is around 9 ABY, around the time of the new republic. Here they were found freely on dathomir natively and several other introduced planets.its hard to find rancors
there is 3 rancors in star wars lore? this new one. the old one luke kiled and Muchi? doesnt sound like a lot.Both canon and legends says the BoBF is around 9 ABY, around the time of the new republic. Here they were found freely on dothamir natively and several other introduced planets.
Rancors were large carnivorous reptomammals native to the planet of Dathomir. They were usually born brown, but in special circumstances, such as the mutant rancor, jungle rancor, and the bull rancor, their color may have differed. Although found on other worlds such as Lehon—where they
Rancors were very large, semi-sentient reptilian carnivores native to the planet Dathomir, although they were also introduced to and present on Felucia, Tatooine, and Koboh. Rancors were often seen as mindless, violent creatures, due to their extensive use as fighters across the galaxy, but
I'd wager it was kinda easy for the Hutts to find or at least purchase Rancors.
"By the time of the New Republic, most of Dathomir's rancor population lived in symbiosis with the planet's Witches of Dathomir clans, being used as mounts, and learning to make and use armor and bladed weapons with their help. Rancors of a clan were marked to show clan ownership, but younger ones were not marked and could basically serve as undercover mounts, belonging to no clan.[8]"there is 3 rancors in star wars lore? this new one. the old one luke kiled and Muchi? doesnt sound like a lot.
yeah, what indeed."By the time of the New Republic, most of Dathomir's rancor population lived in symbiosis with the planet's Witches of Dathomir clans, being used as mounts, and learning to make and use armor and bladed weapons with their help. Rancors of a clan were marked to show clan ownership, but younger ones were not marked and could basically serve as undercover mounts, belonging to no clan.[8]"
Are you saying they were not to be found? If so, you should probably go edit the wikis.yeah, what indeed.
im saying there might not be a Rancors R Us store, because not too many rancors are being used for palace pits.Are you saying they were not to be found? If so, you should probably go edit the wikis.
I can't imagine his budgWonder why they can't get Guillermo del Toro to do an episode or two?
I feel like this is Simmons situation ala hyperion. When the technology comes into play, everything nature just fucking gets destroyed/wrecked. Fett wanting to ride the rancor is like one of those adventurer status symbols that occurs frequently in the series. See, I did this without technology! So good, so powerful.I think you killed a few rancors in the force unleashed game
I can't be the only one that hoped black Chewbacca would be the new pit creature.
I can't imagine his budg