Going in to this episode knowing it was the finale after watching episodes 1-6 you are like how the fuck do they tie this all together? How do they connect these dots? Did a schizophrenic and his 7 different personalities write this show?
Yet the finale ties everything together and calls back to every scene and event in the first 6 episodes and wraps everything up nicely. Im still under the impression this was a one and done series (shouldnt get a second season) so really its just a proper send off for the boba character, while expanding the world a bit for tie ins to other disney + SW shows.
If you view this show in that lens, that its a show about boba fett, then this episode is clearly the best one yet.
The events that took place in episodes 5 and 6 were necessary to show why mando was available to help boba on tatooine, and also how grogu ends up back with him, but im not a fan of how much time was spent on that (boba was clearing training his rancor for 2 episodes off screen) episode 6 especially. The only good thing about ep 6 was seeing how good deepfake is getting, all the luke training montages with grogu were garbage.
I still contend that the quality difference between ep 5/6 and the first 4 is due to the limitations of hiring a 60 year old man to play a 35 year old fighter. It's the same creative team, same writers. You can see it in the finale too. His fight scenes were fine until he took off his helmet, then hes a geriatric old man in his standoff with Cad. In that final fight Its clear that they sped up the film, theres artifacts you notice beyond just cgi.