Completely agree on meh. I enjoyed it for what it was. I love Boba, I love Tatooine, I love tuskens and I think they did fine.. for the most part. Concept of the mod bikers was cool, thundercat as the doctor is fucking cool as hell.. but man the execution on their cyberpunk aesthetic.. they needed to lean more madmax with nicer parts.. not beach cruisers with suits.. their punk aesthetic was very much anvril lavinge levels of i'm so punk. We needed some Bill Paxton in T2 levels of design/charactistics. And yeah, without a doubt their writing was very much minorateam/repersentation.. but I feel if the art department did a better job at designing them; a lot of it could have been overlooked. It was completely jarring.
I think the only thing that really put me off.. is the end.. Boba goes and basically says he isn't made for daimyo or whatever, and kinda alludes to Vanth taking that mantle.. making the whole series.. kinda pointless? Avengers 2 kinda shit. Truly a Mando .5 filler series. Edit; if that is what actually happens.. I would have rather it been like the book of tattooine; following boba and vanth. Do some sort of good the bad and the ugly trio type situation... sprinkle a little bit of seven in there, and I think it would be a more engaging season of things rather than the disjointedness.
At the end of the day, I think the Boba we get.. isn't the no disintegrations legend, but the flailing through the air into the sarlacc pit. I've always been the Boba fan, and my friends who were either Luke fans or Han fans would rip on me for my character choice purely out of that scene.