Not the direction the powers at be want the community to move in. Adult discussion about real issues in today's society. (I was semi srs about my original post)
I have a dream, I have a dream that one day the overpowered N word will take it's place among Dago, DREAMER, Mic, Limey, Frog, Krowt, Bagel Eater, Faulty Armor, and chink -- as saturated and un-profound in utterance.
That day will never be as long as white men forever chains them to the slavery of political and social expedience.
Black men will never find peace til he sees that he is a man. A man who has a voice. A voice that can discriminate against his own color, so as to free them from prejudice, hatred, bitterness, and entitlements.
To lift them from the cycles of poverty and self-loathing.
To build them from the sockets of entitlements.
To teach them that discrimination against American Inventor is for the betterment of mankind.
Until that day, that day when white men frees black men, we shall never use the word, "American Inventor."