I've been running a campaign for a while now, with the current lockdown we just swapped to Discord + Tabletop Simulator on Steam, it's pretty simple.
Our campaign is set in Norrath, using the EQRPG rules from the old books, which is basically a modified 3.0/3.5 system. The party is level 7 (EQRPG goes to 30 + 5 epic levels, so this is like the equivalent of them being level 14 in Classic EQ) with a Rogue, Mage, Warrior, Bard, Cleric, and Druid.
My guys are Qeynos Investigators who recently went into Blackburrow and killed Tranixx Darkpaw and Lord Elgnub to defeat the Sabertooth Gnolls and rescue Joseph Sayer. They've been investigating the Bloodsabers for like 8 sessions now and are on the verge of locating the Bloodsaber shrine in the Aqueducts. If they don't find a way to stop it within the next two sessions we're going to fire off the "Plague in the Karanas" plot and most likely Kane Bayle will be revealing he is evil and killing Antonious Bayle