I'm 41, one of my friends (36) started dating a 24 year old girl like a year ago (he had just got divorced, have fun, whatever). He insists she's super nerdy, loves D&d etc. I invite her to join our game, despite the fact the group was already 5 players and I don't really enjoy dm'ing more than that. She's totally cool and fine for 2-3 hours, then something in game happens that makes a player go "Ohhh NOW you fucked up!" and I immediatly think of the Whitest Kids You Know Abe Lincoln sketch, where Abe keeps chanting "Now you fucked up, now you fucked up, now you fucked up!" and I start repeating it, and one other guy there gets the reference, so we repeat it at each other 3 or 4 times laughing.
She gets up and runs out of the room. We are all baffled, he guy looks confused as fuck and follows her to my living room. We are all in the game room hearing her go from sobbing, to wailing, like super exaggerated crying. We were all thinking maybe she got a text or something, like her mom died, who knows, it was all just so fast and random. They finally come back into the room, her shaking and sobbing and him with his arm around her , like he was having to protect her. He announces "Hername would like an apology, you guys triggered her and she doesn't feel safe here any more."
Now, this group is 50/50 men and women, and all of us were like "Whaaaa? What did we do? huh?"
Turns out that she knew the sketch... and it made her think of another sketch called "The Grapist" about a grape soda mascot who broke into your house to "grape you!" by making you drink grape soda, but heavily implied he was a rapist.
THINKING of that sketch triggered her into a full blown meltdown. Like.... how do you even quantify the absurdity of that?
We were all kind of stunned and like "Uhhh sorry we.. no one was...?" we didn't even know how to handle it. I said something like "None of us could have known, and honestly... no one did anything wrong. I'm sorry that this is apparently an issue for her, but we're at my house, and we are all adults, and I want it to be a comfortable place for everyone. If she's uncomfortable she is going to have to step outside or something, because I'm not going to make everyone else feel like they can't say what is on their mind, or feel like they need to tip toe around."
He said "Well then I think we should leave" and they left. Sucks because I loved playing dnd with him, but she's a fucking nutcase.