Just heard about this yesterday. So if I understand this correctly, it goes something like this: A huge corporate conglomerate called Activision Hasbro bought out a smaller, well loved gaming company called Blizzard WotC that made fan favourites such as WarCraft D&D. When the stonks dropped, the soulless suits at the top looked at the Dollar revenue per consumer Excel sheet and wanted to up it, so they sent out orders to "monetize the system" which results in a shitty, soulless moneygrabbing product and not the fan favourite that brought it to where it is now?
Well, sad but whatever. I've found out that there is a shit ton of interesting RPGs out there, many very good and have little or not ties to D&D. Just of the top of my head I can name Delta Green, a sort of Cthulhu meets the X-Files game; Alien RPG, set in the Alien universe, very good mechanics; Traveller, more precicesly Mongoose 2nd edition. a great and very detailed space RPG infamous for being able to die during character creation, and the Cthulu RPG. Those who want to role play and roll dice are in no means limited to D&D and Pathfinder.
Well, sad but whatever. I've found out that there is a shit ton of interesting RPGs out there, many very good and have little or not ties to D&D. Just of the top of my head I can name Delta Green, a sort of Cthulhu meets the X-Files game; Alien RPG, set in the Alien universe, very good mechanics; Traveller, more precicesly Mongoose 2nd edition. a great and very detailed space RPG infamous for being able to die during character creation, and the Cthulu RPG. Those who want to role play and roll dice are in no means limited to D&D and Pathfinder.
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