Myself +3 will be playing it on PC. Because it'll be cheaper, and aiming is 10x better with mouse, though the aim-assist is pretty strong with a controller.
Long story short, it's basically Division 1 in its current state, with all the extra end game shit they added over the last couple years, an extra special ability slot, on top of the original two with slightly modified enhancements (e.g. turret can be a sniper), and I believe there's an extra gear slot.... Enemies and abilities were poorly balanced in the last beta, but that's not a concern given things were pretty well balanced in the first one (for an RPG, bullet sponge type shooter).
I stopped playing Div 1 after I'd cleared out all of the given content in the first couple months -- that means finding every little person, side story, collectible, etc, and defeated the first added "raid" (the one with the APC at the end). Clocked 200+ hours. Once I ran out of content, stopped playing. Same kinna thing happened with Anthem, only I finished what that game had to offer in like 3 days. Shouldn't be that easy, or that fast. I at least got 50-60 hours out of each Borderlands before I stopped playing those.
Assuming Div 2 carries a story as good or better than the first, I'll at least play through that because the gameplay flavor suits me. But only if there are actual objectives. Banging my dick over and over, defeating the same content over and over at the same difficulty, just hoping for a god roll is not my cup of tea.