I really don't enjoy going through my drops. There's no way to tell "at a glance" if something is worth keeping. Nearly everything I'm wearing I had to recalibrate the talent on, so I was unable to increase or change the stats. So, if a piece drops say, with the right talent, but doesn't have the right colors, I'll need another piece (or two or three) to drop with the right talent and the colors to compensate. Also really annoying that certain sets and talents only drop for certain slots. So I tend to keep gear that "might" work, and keep gear with good talents or high rolls for recalibration. I feel the system could use a bit less rigidity and restrictions.
Also, these damn skill mods. There's a ton of em, and I keep mostly best high end and a few purples, waiting on the "fix". The way it looks now, they designed the system so that only full SP builds can even use high end. Which makes no sense. If I'm not full SP I either use no mods, or low level blues and greens and deconstruct yellows because I don't have enough space? And how do I farm low level mods? Keep making new characters? It's just so fucked.
Other than that and a few CP bugs, I'm having a great time and can't wait for WT5. Really love the music in this game, constantly surprised by how good it is.