I've seen countless documentaries, it is one of my favorite genres of film.
The Smash Brothers was extremely well done, but what a colossal group of turbo faggots. They make even the unwashed masses of the FGC look like Alpha Males.
Good God, not only does that game suck collective donkey dick, but it shelters the same misfits as a local night at a game store.
There is a subset of nerds I never want to be around ,and that list has just expanded from Anime fags, Furries, D&D neckbeards, Magic the gathering dorks, to Smash Brother Nerdgins..
You would think when your top player is a fucking drunk lush you might consider your game to be not as great as you think it is.
My favorite part was that dude Wife saying he wasn't gay. I don't know what universe he lives in, but...
All being said, excellent film. Hope the Film makers go on to great things.