With regards to e-cig vapor, you are - or wereI'm not a second hand smoker. She quit as soon as we started dating, I'm the one who bought her the e-cig.
Principle of precaution - nicotine is very harmful, very small doses can be lethal. Not knowing if the juice itself is harmful does not make it safe. We've been over the cognitive dissonance this stems from. If every substance was allowed until proven hazardous the 1st world would be a very different place. I'd rather we, all, use precaution when it is prudent - like when we already have safer and thoroughly documented methods for cessation.Well since no one has proved e-cig vapor is harmful, I'm completely fine with that.
No, I'd dump her if she smoked actual cigarettes. I have a zero tolerance policy for it. She doesn't wanna smoke around her kids anyway, so she is thankful that I pushed her in the right direction since she lacked the willpower on her own to quit. She also was appreciative that I got her the e-cig to help her quit instead of just expecting her to do it cold turkey.