The Elder Scrolls Online


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
1. This isn't a Stress Test, it's a Beta Weekend.
2. Beta is level capped to 17.
3. "Endgame" is available at level 10 through Cyrodiil campaigns.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Played the stress test for a few hours, but already uninstalled.

Combat is clunky, the quests are uninspired, the whole skill system is boring as fuck.

On top of that the beta is incredibly buggy, at one point I got disconnected and logged back in to find myself rolled back 2 levels.

Anyone that pays 60 bucks + 15 a month for this pile of shit deserves to be shot.


This patcher, damn. They need to scrap it and start over- I can't imagine trying to launch like this (let alone get it to work on consoles). It's "applying patch" right now and if I hit the windows key to open my classic shell start menu the whole system hangs for a few seconds. Then the start menu closes by itself.

Oh it finished applying that patch and started downloading the next- which means it went from 18% to 10% progress. Because that's how numbers work.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I was going to try this this weekend, but for some odd reason I cannot load their webpage at all :p


This game is a trash fire.

First off, I absolutely hate tutorials. If you are going to FORCE me to go through your tutorial, please make it interesting...somehow...someway. That is the most boring, lame ass tutorial I have played since the 90's. As others have said, combat is clunky, game is super stale and boring. This game brings absolutely nothing to the mmo worth validating buying/subbing for.


So it was 18% to 10%. Then 26% to 16%. Then it jumped to a fully completed 100% before dropping back down to 60%. Just had a strong sense of nostalgia for Windows 95 era installations.


Molten Core Raider
Not in the beta and have no intention of buying this.

Reading the comments here about the game seems greatly more entertaining than playing the game itself


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I don't ever remember a MMO getting so universally panned by everyone. Every game at least had a decent amount of people who like it. How the fuck was this botched so badly.


Trakanon Raider
it's sad, i really wanted to like this game. Finding my self soooo bored while playing. I actually fell asleep last night which in the middle of a fight.


Molten Core Raider
In the middle of an 18 hour camp in EQlive right now, my toons are auto killing a couple of trash mobs an hour. I thought I couldn't be more bored. Then I tried this game mid camp. Only lasted 10 minutes.

Not good.


Apparently the quest which was broken and halted my progression last stress test is still broken: the abomination of fear doesn't respawn.

Isn't this supposed to be the most polished phase of the game? How does a level 5 quest that tons of people reported last beta not get fixed after two months? I can only imagine what higher level content is like.


I don't ever remember a MMO getting so universally panned by everyone. Every game at least had a decent amount of people who like it. How the fuck was this botched so badly.
The kicker is it's not just here , it's basically shit on in every forum out there.

This will replace SWTOR as the big budget , well known IP , train wreck mmo. (I realize it doesn't have the SWTOR budget but still it's not a cheap one either).


I have given it another 2 hour's, and that was forcing myself to do 2 hour's. I just can not play this game any more. Their is absolutly no way they can release this as a full sub game or even ftp at this point. I reported on multiple bug's from visual to crash's but i think it is a waist of time at this point.

I am realy turned off by how this went and doubt i will continue . Sad that after all these year's i still go back to eq or daoc and no one seem's to want or care to go back to what made a mmorpg fun . They just want to streamline the whole damn process into this little rollercoaster of shit , and force you down a particuler path in order to keep your attention. Except what kept my attention was me enjoying what i was doing at my leisure in a true open world with no quest's other then what i explored and searched for.

I wish they would remove the quest's as they are in all mmorpg's. Change them to being finnished to promote your skill's by doing quest's like eq's old epic's . Where you get nothing untill the end of a long quest and even at that time it is just something that say's i did this , i beat this and that's why my weapon or armor or whatever look's so badd ass. [ duck stick excluded]

They need to go back to dungeon farming where the good gear is taken from mob's in deep dark hard to reach area's..., random mob's over the world . I don't know ... i am just so tired of the "new age" of mmorpg's


Anyone else having issues creating a character? I don't know if their servers are full or if this is some bug, but the game doesn't respond when I hit the "Create" button. If I spam it rapidly it crashes to an "error 318: You hit a message rate limit". If they didn't want me to hit that button so many times in a row, the game should actually create a character the first time I press it...


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Isn't this supposed to be the most polished phase of the game? How does a level 5 quest that tons of people reported last beta not get fixed after two months? I can only imagine what higher level content is like.
When I hit level 8 on Covenant side I had 4 quests in my journal (which is still an pain in the ass, worst quest journal ever) and 3 of them were bugged : the one with Aefir or whatever, NPC won't move, Abomination of Fear won't spawn and the Mages guild quest where you have portals to close where mobs weren't attackable.

Good seeing you back, Tortage.