The Elder Scrolls Online


Have you ever played an Elder Scrolls game? It's nothing like the games it originated from. TES series has always been about open and free exploration. This is the biggest waste of an IP that I can think of.

Why would you take a popular and beloved game series and dump everything out that made it popular, only to replace it with generic MMO features that are tired and have been done to death at least 20 times? Even worse, everyone before you implemented the tired MMO features better and more stable.
I agree, but that's the way it is with this generation of wow clone mmo devs. Rift did nothing good whatsoever, yet meny people think it was great. GW2 had the shittiest combat system since EQ2, but many also thought it was great. Yet, everything is wrong with TESO because they have to feel like the previous games. It doesn't seem right to me.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
And because it's fucking awful. GW2 and Rift and TOR and shit were all bad, but they all had positives over wow too. TES has none.
GW2 had the shittiest combat system since EQ2
You are on crack. Combat in GW2 is great. It's just not an interdependent holy trinity system. Other than the animations problems, TESO's combat is kinda fun for me. It's not super varied at low levels and it feels very mushy for an action combat game but it''s definately not the worst problem.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
PVP and solo combat was good. The "Hey we're 2-50 guys doing the same quest together for the next 5 minutes" combat was pretty good too in that the mob count scaled. The group PVE was really, really bad. Bring back the trinity.

Someone should compile a list of all the reasons TESO sucks and I'll put it in the OP. I think someone already made this list but I don't know which page it's on.


Trump's Staff
That sounds like a perfect job for Utnayan. Where is he btw? Hospitalized for a rage blackout?
Well, Aradune is posting on the boards again. That means Utnayan is probably in his Hyperbolic Time Chamber training for their first confrontation.



FPS noob
Someone should compile a list of all the reasons TESO sucks and I'll put it in the OP. I think someone already made this list but I don't know which page it's on.
saw this on somethingawful and pretty much agree with it all

Acelerion_sl said:
Good points: The game is quite pretty for what its worth. Also some of the mage class spell abilities were pretty cool. We found our selves having a good time setting up combos and using abilities that one another can finish by pressing x. The skill system is unique, thats a good thing right?

Bad stuff: Im going to have to break this down by topic

The world: Its pretty much your average quest hub mmo except things aren't completely handed to you on a silver platter. You have to put some effort into finding the quests and then chasing down markers on the map wont always guarantee progression. Occasionally I was forced to pay attention which may seem like a good thing except the story is dumb as shit and I dont want to be forced into wasting time watching live action cut scenes. Did I mention every time you zone into an instance (all the fucking time) you get separated from party members.

Also, mob are complete trash, offer zero exp, and as far as I can tell exist solely to impede me on my journey from quest maker to quest marker. But hey, zero bear asses!

Speaking of exp, 3 hours managed to get us all the way to lvl 6. 44 more and I might throw myself off the upstairs railing. Its fucking grindy.

The UI: Minimalistic user interfaces are apparently the flavor of the month. My issues with this thing are hard to put into words, but I don't feel like you are presented enough information to play the game. Part of the problem may be the...

Combat System: Its my opinion that mmos are basically accessories wrapped around a combat system. Everything you do revolves around setting up or partaking in fights. Especially so for pvp players. The combat system in Elder Scrolls Online feels like they started with a decent tab target system (The skill system really isnt bad...) then wanted to make it more guild warsey and slapped on some left/right mouse abilities and "don't stand in the red" nonsense. After some board meeting it was decided the whole thing isn't doing enough to trick Elder Scrolls fans into buying Skyrim Online so now we have this ridiculous crosshair point and shoot thing.

Its like some Frankenstein mash up of distinct systems that refuse to cooperate.

I just want to point out that where your crosshair (your camera) points is where your character goes, is where you attack. We have an open world rvr system where you cant even fucking pan your camera while moving. Enjoy your unavoidable assjams.

Also your mouse attacks don't go off with consistent timing, dont hit what you think you're targeting with multiple enemies around, and look ridiculous. This is 90% of the floaty/janky complaint.

Oh, and jumping feel like wearing space boots.
in addition to the bemoaned "how is this a TES game when there is virtually no sandbox playstyle supported, its completely on rails". The weekend beta is also horrendously buggy, from crashing constantly to skill bars vanishing ALL the time to getting stuck in npc dialogues to lots of level 5-10 quests uncompletable etc etc. Not a big deal, all fixable, BUT THE GAME LAUNCHES IN 3 MONTHS!


Golden Knight of the Realm
I agree on all the points mentioned regarding what this game has to offer. However, I'm amazed at how smooth this game runs on Ultra settings. I had no crashes at all this weekend, everything cranked up to max, and the game was running smooth as silk. Damn shame the actual game is shit.


So I finally got patched and made a character to try the third alliance and a new weapon type. Went with a nord two-hander. The opening area did feel a lot better, but even the first door still went crazy by open/shut spamming before the load screen came up to move into the next small, closed off space. Two-handers actually sounded a lot better than previous weapon types, which made their combat feel pretty average. Getting a pair of 1handers soon after showed me that 1h/shield and dual wield still feels/sounds completely hollow. The nord alliance starting area quests were much better than the other two. Does anyone know if the other two were updated since November or are they still very different experiences? There was one quest where I went around a cave pressing "e" to find clues, but there was a taunting NPC voice narrating while I did it which felt at least a bit more ES.

I haven't followed the game closely enough, but from what I can tell the stress tests are 1-10 quests, then 10-17 pvp/dungeons. Is that how the whole game is, or can you get to 50 via solo questing? After the stuff today, it feels like a game I'd do a GW2 style B2P ($40ish) to play through the decent stuff and revisit if they improve the other areas. As of right now, it feels like they'd need 18+ months to get all the combat variations and starting areas up to snuff. Part of the problem with the $15 sub is that it feels like a ticking clock in a game franchise I usually like to take slow.

Edit: Retracting the B2P comment. Of course another few minutes in and there was a broken quest, had to search their forums to fix. And going through the next area is simply snore-inducing. I tag a mob maybe once every 10 minutes of play time and it dies in one hit without a single combat sound.


Who would even consider designing a closed-in, linear model MMO nowadays? It frustrates me that such a huge budget would be blown on a game that breaks such basic rules such as dont make your RPG a linear, quest-hub, dead world piece of crap!
Too bad really , was really looking forward to this and avoided this thread till i started playing. Glad i got the beta invite , but to have so many bugged low level quests with only 3 months left is just saying how shit this is...cant imagine how many more are out there and i highly doubt they will have a REAL beta to where no lvl cap is imposed to properly get these bugs reported and worked on. Disappointed , really would love a new MMO to dig into...guess i need to keep waiting.


Who would even consider designing a closed-in, linear model MMO nowadays? It frustrates me that such a huge budget would be blown on a game that breaks such basic rules such as dont make your RPG a linear, quest-hub, dead world piece of crap!
I doubt much was spent on "the game" as it was spent on travel , hookers and cocaine via expense accounts. Plus staff bloat , suren begorrah ole eamon ain't know fuckity all about da coding. Still he and has fifty moron friends all nee jobs so hire them up. )

Tellin ya the private investor lawsuit readings that come from this long after the game is F2P will be full of I told you so comedy.
Sucks much ass that I can't short this company stock.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
That sounds like a perfect job for Utnayan. Where is he btw? Hospitalized for a rage blackout?
I'm here. My dad passed away on Friday.
losing a parent is something I wouldn't wish on anyone. You lose a lot of the kid inside.