I can support a game that doesnt cater to minmaxers. I have never been an add-on master nor cared. I am a casual, old gamer who plays games as the devs intended. When I dont like a game, I just stop playing and thats that.
I'm actually pretty satisfied that the Devs gave a middle finger to mods/add-on folks. Everybody is on the same footing.
There is a circle jerk going on here where 4-5 pissed off neckbeards think they represent all gamers. Fact is, most gamers are like me who do not give a fig about these changes and will play merrily, not giving a second thought.
ESO is the next big MMO, and there is just not enough bluster on this site to do anything to stop it. The game is in a much better state than anything released since WoW.