Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I heard it was actually 25% up, like 25% more preorders since March 14th.25% from retail (Not direct) from 2 weeks ago.
I heard it was actually 25% up, like 25% more preorders since March 14th.25% from retail (Not direct) from 2 weeks ago.
Better reading comprehension? You must mean you have a more vivid imagination than I do, because I see no reference to anything that could be considered a 'raid' to anyone who has played an MMORPG other than Marvel Heroes.How does having better reading comprehension skills make me a shill?
You are allowing yourself to get all hung up on semantics. Trials are 12 man PVE raids. Period. End of Story. In addition to traditional MMO raid mechanics, one twist TESO is adding is that the raid is timed. Now the hardcore raiding guilds can swing their epeen by having their clear time posted for the entire world to see. The fact that there is a leaderboard ranking clear times doesn't change the fact it is still fundamentally a 12 man PVE raid.
I am not sure how he, or anyone, equates trials to a raid. This is more like Wow's dungeon challenges in 12 man fashion. For all we know, this could have the substance of Survivor mode in Mass Effect 3.And this is why people think you are a shill.
In aTrial, you will have a limited number of resurrections, known as a Soul Reservoir. Too many resurrections mean that you have failed thetrial. It takes a lot of coordination to survive aTrial. The enemies you face in aTrialwill be difficult, while the surroundings are some of the most beautiful places in ESO. Provided you do survive and make it to the end of aTrial, your group might make it to theleaderboard.Trialshave arunning clockand mistakes, including deaths, can add atime penalty. Turn in a greattime, however, and you might make it to the top of theleaderboard. If you fail, your group canrestart and try again.
Is it more clear for you now?
We all know what they are going to be... they are going to be kill the mobs fast as they get shot at you from the mob gun - just like every trial event ever.Better reading comprehension? You must mean you have a more vivid imagination than I do, because I see no reference to anything that could be considered a 'raid' to anyone who has played an MMORPG other than Marvel Heroes.
People think you are a shill because you seem to exist on some alternate plane of perception where time trials are raids and Hamburgers eat people.
If the instanced time trials off of the AVs are in fact raids, that's fucking awesome and I'm pumped for it. But they have given no indication that that's what they are. Quite the opposite. They actually went out of their way to never even use the word 'raid' once.
I'm sold if they are zombies.We all know what they are going to be... they are going to be kill the mobs fast as they get shot at you from the mob gun.
Discussion on making PVP "Funner":I dont agree with everything you say but this is a legit post. Some of your concerns are worthy of consideration. I say to you, the game has not even released yet. More data and statistics will be collected as time passes. Perhaps the devs will change their minds at some time. Control of the UI is clearly a battle between the devs and the UI community and and it may come to be that eventually the devs cant hold back the loud cries from the players who want to mod the game.
On another note, there seems to be two sides in this argument. One side wants more information in order to make the game more technical. The other side doesnt care and heres why, they are playing for immersion, and a cluttered or ugly UI hurts immersion and takes away from the intended look of the game. Now, as a minMaxer or achiever gamer, that might strike you as odd or downright stupid, (who plays for immersion??) but its a fact.
This whole discussion about the UI and modding is a big distraction. I'd rather get into discussions about Adventure Zones, or ideas to make PvP and Cyr better/funner. Guys, it's a game, were supposed to enjoying this, haha. Some of the lames in this thread act like they are personally affected by design divisions. Gimme a break! All this just throws shade on real discussion.
Viva Chat Bubbles!
As much criticism as the haters here have spewed towards TESO not doing anything innovative, do you really think ZOS is going to do anything significantly different than standard MMO raid boss mechanics? A trial will likely have X number of raid boss encounters and I'm guessing the raid force will move thru the trial in linear fashion. I assume the gear drops will be on par or better than the best VR10 crafted gear that is purple quality and the raid boss might drop one legendary quality item.Better reading comprehension? You must mean you have a more vivid imagination than I do, because I see no reference to anything that could be considered a 'raid' to anyone who has played an MMORPG other than Marvel Heroes.
People think you are a shill because you seem to exist on some alternate plane of perception where time trials are raids and Hamburgers eat people.
If the instanced time trials off of the AVs are in fact raids, that's fucking awesome and I'm pumped for it. But they have given no indication that that's what they are. Quite the opposite. They actually went out of their way to never even use the word 'raid' once.
You are basing this on nothing but conjecture and your own expectations, not actual facts.As much criticism as the haters here have spewed towards TESO not doing anything innovative, do you really think ZOS is going to do anything significantly different than standard MMO raid boss mechanics? A trial will likely have X number of raid boss encounters and I'm guessing the raid force will move thru the trial in linear fashion. I assume the gear drops will be on par or better than the best VR10 crafted gear that is purple quality and the raid boss might drop one legendary quality item.
I'm basing it off of playing numerous MMOs over the past 16 years. WTF else do you expect a 12 man raid force to do except fight raid boss encounters?You are basing this on nothing but conjecture and your own expectations, not actual facts.
Quaid is right. They also never said raid. They saidtrials.With atime attachment to it, and a leaderboard. That instantly says, "Try to run this as fast as possible for your new high score in Pac-man", or, "Here comes a horde of shit, kill it in the time specified", or,maybeit means here is an actual raid with 12 people and what * should * have been said in the press release was then, "Hey guys. Within adventure zones we have 12 man raid content. They are timed for some side track leaderboard fun, but the main concept here will be to gain new loot from epic monsters in challenging content. Also, you can only res here a few times and it is challenging in many other ways".I'm basing it off of playing numerous MMOs over the past 16 years. WTF else do you expect a 12 man raid force to do except fight raid boss encounters?
I clicked it, you got me, I lose.Or you stand in one instance spot killing hordes of Imperials lasting as long as you can while the timer ticks down.
No Source.
Gauntlet legends was so fun, man.. is ESO gonna be Gauntlet Legends: Online?You would think they would actually use the word "raid" in the description. Sounds like a gauntlet time trail with more people. I don't see anywhere in that description that describes your traditional raid or raid boss encounter. If there is that's good but you would think they would actually mention that.
FFXIV? You mean after they took it down, remade it, and re-released it after the worst launch in MMO history?Annnnd you're an idiot...
LotRO, Rift, GW1, Secret World, GW2 Neverwinter, FFXIV
To have the second worst launch in history. But I still made buddies and peace with Mkopec1 so it was worth it. Now we just need to find another game to play.FFXIV? You mean after they took it down, remade it, and re-released it after the worst launch in MMO history?