So, having hit VR12, and crafted some purple gear, I've been spending more time in Cyrodiil. I've come to the conclusion that some shit needs to change if I'm going to stick around:
1. Need something to encourage realm pride, and incentivise sticking to your own campaign.
2. Need a lot more incentives with regard to character progression. I didn't realize how much I loved getting RPs in DAOC for realm abilities until I started getting them in ESO and realized they're essentially worthless.
3. Like Tuco says: need to vastly reduce the anonymity. It's not personal enough when you and your guild get in fights with other individuals/guilds. I want to know who that sorc was that bolted away so I can actively watch for him in death spam (yes we need death spam.)
I could go on, but these 3 are key if they hope to keep most of us playing long term.