Imperial City is a pvp and pve zone (You can enter the dungeon via sewers surrounding the city. There are three different entrances that are campable. This allows enemy factions to stop you from entering the dungeon to help fight for your faction.
There is a 100 percent safe zone once you get in through the sewers. There are 3 different safe zones (each alliance has a starting zone). In the safe zone, you get the story line, which is, essentially, the imperials need your help to save the people and do not care about the petty alliance war.
There are a multitude of different districts within the city
You clear out mobs and players in a district to capture it, and, after you capture a district, you get unique rewards (One of which being the ability to craft imperial daedric armor)
This new area also features repeatable quests that yield high amounts of gold and experience.
There is an arena in here. According to one of the speakers, you can 'help out' people in here. I don't quite understand what this means.
There is a 'market' zone in Imperial City: This is a capture-able point, kinda like keeps, that you can use to respawn in. Owning districts will give you an edge over pvp in the zone The market district has special crafting tables that you can craft imperial daedric armor in (see pictures below).
Players, while grouped, will share items that are picked up off the ground (if you're told to go collect 5 flowers, you're whole group shares the items picked up)
Players in groups will always be able to see each other. They'll be in the same 'channel'
Sharing quests are going to be improved
Other things like this (Significant improvements were mentioned)
When you go back to the dungeon in veteran mode, you have to go through a portal to save the elder that previously went through in the normal dungeon mode.
Dungeons will now scale to the level of the group leader (Or your level if no group is established) (Includes monsters, items, XP and gold).
Difficulty in dungeons dynamically reduces if you're struggling on a boss (I think this is only for solo play)
Expanded, new passives, et cetera
After completing dungeons multiple times, you can get undauntless keys which open chests and unlock cool items and armor sets (Look really cool, see screenshots below)
New 12 man trial featuring the third celestial, the serpent
Loot gives you a medium armor trial set
Essentially is a four person group for trials (Like trials, with 4 people)
The better you do, the harder it gets, the harder it gets, the better loot you get
Timed event
Leaderboards like trials
Multiple levels (Like easy, normal, hard)
'The difficulty level has been cranked up to, like, 15' Lol. I hope so.
Adds more emotion to the NPCS faces during dialog
Extremely dynamic
I generally don't really find this stuff interesting, but this is really cool
Veteran content refers to anything 'post-level 50'
Zenimax likes you're allowed to go to the other zones on the same character
Zenimax is working on the reward system for the veteran ranks
Zenimax thinks experience is too different between 1-50 and veteran content
What Zenimax has already done to fix these issues
Decreased the difficulty
What Zenimax is going to do
Get rid of veteran points. You gain ranks through regular experience.
Bonus experience gain the longer you stay offline between play times
Helps keep friends closer together
Ability to level up passives with points you earn (Champion points)
These champion points will be available to spend on all your characters
More points unlocks more passives
You spend the Champion points in a menu that looks like Skyrim's skill line system
New gear will be introduced, but in a slightly different way
The new gear you get will come with new content
The gear will be the same level, but it will be better, harder to get, and worth more
The longer the gear is available in the game, the easier it will be to get
A gear chase will exist, it just won't let players fall behind
Instead of just being able to take things from NPCS, you have to sneak around and steal them without getting caught
If a guard finds you, you have to pay a bounty or flee
Paying the bounty makes you lose all your stolen items
If you flee, the guards fight you
If guards catch you, they will ask you to pay a bounty, if you can't pay it you have to run away and/or fight the guard
If you die, you lose your stolen goods (Don't know about the penalty from dying to a guard after killing NPCS)
Players can act as guards and kill these players that steal and kill NPCS (OPEN WORLD PVP)
The spell crafting system will be available after completing the Mages Guild questline
There are certain doorways that can only be found by using a new spell
In the middle of the room that the door leads to will be a tablet
The tablets can be worn down, broken, and scattered through the world
You have to find all these peices and put it together
A new minigame like lock picking
Easier spells will be found on unbroken tablets, while harder spells will be broken into many peices
These tablets only give you the base effect of the spell
For example, you could find an 'AOE' tablet
You then can pick three different effects and put them all together to make your own spell
There is different materials (The higher level material you use to make a spell, the more effective it will be)
It is an extreme challenge to find all these different spell bases
You can trade tablets you make. You can 'consume' these tablets. EXTREMELY COOL EFFECTS TO LEARN THESE DIFFERENT SPELLS
The spells you learn are permanent
YOU CAN CONJURE ALL DIFFERENT TYPES OF MONSTERS! (you just gotta make the spell first)
Combat responsiveness
Audio feedback for actions (like drinking potions, and when you're out of magicka and stamina) will be more noticable
Abilities lockup is FIXED
Animation timing
The timing of impacts is improved
Velocity of swings are improved, combat feels tighter and more responsive
Poses are changed (Aesthetic improvements) (EX: staff weilders won't be slouched)
Particle effects
No more cutting out of particle effects in large scale PvP
Missing an effect could cause you to die, so these effects are prioritized
You can toggle these effects on and off
A slider will also be available to lower memory for particles
Effects are pre-cached (lol, what is this)
New armor styles for two new zones
Dark brotherhood armor
Thieves guild armor
Dwarven armor
Glass armor
Lots more armor sets
Can now skin monsters and wear their skin as armor
Not much information was given, and I found nothing big to note. It's a swamplike place featuring a different variant of Argonians.
Nonetheless, this is going to be a fantastic zone. Check the screenshots posted
Female giants are added. He had a weird explanation on why.
Q: Werewolves are in dire need of change, what will you do?
A: There are changes in mind. Two phases. Phase 1: Bring all everything into balance (ultimate cost, etc). Phase 2: Add new passives and active abilities to expand out the skill line.
Q: Will we ever see more character custimization? (Barber shop, etc)
A: Customization will be coming, no specific details were mentioned.
Q: Is the offender caught stealing (In the Justice System) on a timer?
A: The more bad things you do, the higher your bounty. Eventually, your bounty is so high that you're going to be 'kill on sight'. If you're going to be a criminal, you're going to have to pay the price.
Q: Why do some quests get broken from one patch to the next?
A: There is a ton of moving parts, when we go and fix a quest in one area by adding in or ajusting particle effects somewhere, it doesn't mean it's going to work under all circumstances. Sometimes something like that will slip through.
Q: When are we going to see the facial animation system?
A: Unknown
Q: Do you plan on adding a dueling feature for players that don't like the huge epic war that Cyrodiil is?
A: A dueling system isn't as simple as you might think. There is a lot of things to consider. Once the Justice System is in place, we will have the resources needed to make this possible.
Q: What are the future ideas for adding reason to PVP
A: Imperial City is a start for this. Imperial City is a huge advancement towards this goal. The new PvP gear (Shown in screenshot below) will also be a step towards this. We are trying to expand on this without taking from the Cyrodiil experience
Q: Are there new motifs?
A: Yes.
Q: What are your plans for stamina builds VS magicka builds
A: There a number of plans. I will go through a few with them. One of the things we have already done is add a pasive to medium armor to reduce cost. There are also a number of attacks that need a DPS increase which have been increased. Ultimates will be based off stamina AND magicka (Whichever one is higher). A lot more.
Q: What do you have in plan for roleplayers in the future?
A: A few things have already been mentioned, like the Justice System, but we are also going to add systems like guild traders, et cetera. It's going to be an ongoing effort.
Q: The gold sink is way to high to play different specs. Do you have any plans at all to ajust the price of respecs?
A: Yes. For the first week of update 3, respec costs will be SUPER cheap. After that, it will be brought up to a reduced price (Around 25 percent of what it is now). The last thing being added is being able to respec just morphs, which will be extremely cheap.
Q: What are the developers doing to seperate PVP from PVE content. EX: PVP passives and actives giving an edge in PVE content.
A: Steps will be taken to mitigate the effect PVP has on PVE. Former Emperor bonus is a focus.
Q: Do you have plans to discourage emperor trading.
A: In 1.3, changes will be made. First, condensing the campaigns from 10 to 5. Second, increasing the amount of alliance points needed to become an emperor. Third, a three day lockout will be added for home and guest campaign.
Q: Is a spelltome from spell crafting one time use? And can you make stamina spells?
A: No, but you can make more tomes. You can't make stamina abilities, but you can create a restore stamina spell. We have another idea for stamina users.