Addons --
*Install the app called Minion
Minion - Premier AddOn Management
*Go to addon website
Absolute must haves --
*Emacs - Allows modifers in your keybinds (shift, alt, control)
*DLQI - Simple QoL that changes the default quest tracker to auto track if you complete an objective of an untracked quest.
*Mer Character Sheet - Adds Horse training timer and researcher timers to your character sheet.
*Alpha Gear 2 - Separates the men from boys; allows build sets with hotkeys for changing shit up on the fly. Tanks and healers on top of their game will use this a lot.
*Harven's Improved Skills Window - Massive improvement to your skill page. Tooltip showing the next morph or level.
*PointsofColor - Holy fucker does this ever change the game, especially for completists. Changes the main map to have colored icons instead of white/black combo. I know it's graphical but the change for a plug and play add on is amazing.
* Simple Durability - Adds dura % to gear page.
* Dungeon Tracker - Adds expanded tooltop info to your dungeon queue page. It'll show what youre missing, like no death, speed run, etc.
* Map Pins - basically spoils the game for you but god damn the fucking thing is great to have.
* Journal Quest Log - Big QoL change with an added tab for completed quests
* Info Panel - embeds more useful info into the default ping/fps frame.
* SpentSkillPoints - Default skill page UI is a lot better once you can see some numbers.
*Votan's Minimap - Very effiecent minimapcode wise because it basically resizes the main map and turns it into a mini.
*Action Duration Reminder - Adds numbers to your ability bar and allows you to see your backbar when you swap with timers on both visible.
*Auto Category - Custom Inventory Categories - Install and your inventory will be suddenly organized.
The above are all 1 click installs via minion and shouldnt have too much set up once you log in and should enhance game play a lot.
Once you're comfortable playing the game --
Look into these addons for changing health display, UI changes, group frame changes, etc.
*bandits User Interface - Huge UI suite that covers almost every aspect of the game. Think one of the UI packages WoW has. There's a lot of settings to go thru upon logging in so be prepared. Also is widely used for it's feature to move frames around.
*LUI Extended - Same as above
*Advanced UI - Same as above
The above addons are modular so they can be used to together while cherry picking the features you want from each.
*Combat Metrics - the go to DPS meter. Bandits also has a built in one.
*Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter - Once you get into crafting this will make sense.
*Combat Reticle- Customize reticle
*LFG Auto Accept - Don't miss a dungeon queue, don't get kicked either though lol.
*Wykkyd Full Immersion - This addon has the only option i've seen to resize the compass. Technically a must have for me, I hate the compass's default size.
*QuickEmotes - Adds access to emotes on your chatbox
*Slightly Improved Experience Bar - I like an always showing exp. bar
*TraitBuddy - If you're into crafting you want a trait tracker. This will make sense if you're getting into it.
*Untaunted - Absolute MUST HAVE as a tank.
*Urich's Skill point finder - spoils the game and breaks down your skill point discovery in the game and shows you what/where others are.
my UI