There's a difference between a rocky launch and what happened with Greymoor. Just because they were 'working remotely' doesn't give any sort of excuse as much of this content was made before the pandemic. Or did y'all miss the pre-PTS that fextralife leaked all the tooltips in their video? My review isn't based out of impatience, rather it's the sheer lack of communication and further backing off of communication that developers have decided to do. They overhauled the Vampire Skill Line and said that Blood Frenzy ticked all the boxes of what it 'means to be a vampire'. Does using an ability to raise your spell/weapon damage via the cost of health sound vampiric to you? Oh and they totally got rid of the gap closer with Clouding Swarm.
The story is a rehashing of every other storyline out there. Your evil baddies are temper tantruming most of the time. Harrowstorms has this crazy chick who if she had a mustache, she'd certainly be twirling it. Oh and Harrowstorms don't drop anything worth while in the bags. You're mostly going to get edicts. Maybe the occasional treasure map. If you're farming for furnishings? Welcome back to Morrowind.
Back to the vampirism part though. NPC vampires are so much cooler than what PC vampires get to be. Elusive Mist increases your speed by 30% rather than the old 70% so unless you're rocking Swift jewelry, you're pretty much caught up to in no time. Mist Form in general leaves one to be desired. Mesmerize is the buggiest skill in the kit. It doesn't always work on every NPC across Tamriel. Want to upgrade your bag space in Daggerfall? Don't bother. Blood Frenzy was touted by the Creative Director that it ticked all the boxes on what it means to a vampire. In what mythos are vampires suicidal? More to the point, in what mythos does well fed vampires get 0-regeneration, super weak to fire, and all of their class abilities cost a whopping 12% more? "Oh, but you get cheaper vampire abilities!" Right! And I can't use most of my DoTs without having a dreadful case of the me me me me's when I need a synergy. They were warned in several threads and warned all over the PTS that if this goes live, it's going to get cured by a lot of people. Guess what happened? Several bite guilds disbanded because it wasn't worth the hassle.
And how can we forget the antiquities. While it was a great addition, if you get attacked you may as well flat out relog. Half the time the leads are all over the place while the RNG of other leads are so non-existent, they forgot to put them in the game.
If you have a vMA weapon pre-Greymoor? Guess what? You have to go refarm it again because Rich also thinks that it's like a new model of a car.
But they're 'totally awesome' for putting up Skyrim for the 10,000th time for people to buy. Y'all are on damn skooma with that