The Elder Scrolls Online


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
When I asked Sage about raiding, he said that ESO's adventure zones are designed for larger groups of PvE players. You can actually go into the adventure zones with a small group and accomplish some goals, but there are large areas in these maps dedicated to larger group experiences. There will be some warning when you're about to trigger one of these encounters (and they may even end up instanced), so a small group won't suddenly find itself face to face with a Daedric Prince!
this part confuses me in 2 ways.

1) is he trying to imply instancing as a good thing?
2) we all know they will be instanced in the end regardless, why not come out and say it?


Alpha Invites will be out in next 11 days, cant wait for some us to be try this.

I am huge elder scrolls IP fan for single player games just like star wars but like said expect this to be that game engine, and lots of bad design choices along will sub par dated graphics like swtor, so we see soon.


Trakanon Raider
As part of that 'MMO crowd', I'm not sure what I want anymore, lol. There are aspects I like from several games but none are just "OMFG I need to play this!". That feeling may be gone sadly. I'm not even that excited for FF14 even though I'm a "fanboy".
the problem is, we all know what we wanted when it came to an elder scrolls MMO, and this pile of dog shit is the exact opposite.


Trakanon Raider
Another article:

It just sounds that they used the 'throw everyone at the wall and see what sticks' development style. I mean you can't communicate cross faction, until you hit 50 and go 'try out' another faction then you can talk to them but you'll still be cut off in Cyrodil it seems. Also if whatever faction you picked is sucking in your particular campaign (which lasts from 3-6 months) the dev's can 'open up an influx of new toons' somehow to your faction/campaign and hope they help you out in pvp. Ugh, i'm sure that would go over well with the other 2 factions in your campaign.
hard factions fucking suck. i don't care that they made it 3 instead of 2. you know what's better than 3? NONE!


Lord British Richard Garriot just posted most Game designers just suck and could not agree more.

Garriott: 'I think most game designers really just suck'

Richard Garriott has some harsh words and a bit of tough love for game design professionals in a new interview at PC Gamer. Lord British, more visible in the press these days as a result of his successful Shroud of the Avatar Kickstarter project, sat down with the mag to talk at length about what ails gaming and who he thinks is capable of doing something about it.

"I think there's really very few great game designers," Garriott says. "I think Chris Roberts is one of them, Will Wright's another, Peter Molyneux is another. They clearly exist, but on the whole, I think that the design talent in our industry is dramatically lower than we need, as an industry. It's a very hard skill to learn."

Garriott cites a lack of education and a lack of extra-design skills as problems plaguing many designers and the industry at large.

If you're not a good artist and not a good programmer, but you still like games, you become a designer, if you follow me.

You get into Q&A and often design. And the most valuable part of creating a game is the design, which the programmers are technically executing. And they'd be happy to just execute some of them. But in my mind, most artists and programmers are just as much of gamers as the designers, and I usually find in my history that the artists and programmers are, in fact, as good of designers as the designers. They're often better, because they understand the technology or the art.

So we're leaning on a lot of designers who get that job because they're not qualified for the other jobs, rather than that they are really strongly qualified as a designer. It's really hard to go to school to be a good designer."

Source: PC Gamer

FYI cross posted this on 2 threads here that atm, most read as well as post, due to fact his statement applies to them.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Nice how he cites a few other has-beens as great designers just because their games are from an era when he himself made his mark on gaming. I'm pretty sure the two decades since then had plenty more great designers that he simply doesnt know about or fails to credit properly. Although I guess the quote is in the right place in this thread, since the game doesnt seen to have anything really creative going on thats not taken from another game.


Nice how he cites a few other has-beens as great designers just because their games are from an era when he himself made his mark on gaming. I'm pretty sure the two decades since then had plenty more great designers that he simply doesnt know about or fails to credit properly. Although I guess the quote is in the right place in this thread, since the game doesnt seen to have anything really creative going on thats not taken from another game.
I put it here and Next thread cause these 2 are most read, and posted MMO threads, since no matter if you like Garriot or hate him, he really is speaking alot of truth about the whole gaming biz atm.


<Gold Donor>
Not only that, but WTF has he done in the past 10 yrs worth a damn? Tabula Rasa? City of Heroes? LOL?

Its like fail calling out fail.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I put it here and Next thread cause these 2 are most read, and posted MMO threads, since no matter if you like Garriot or hate him, he really is speaking alot of truth about the whole gaming biz atm.
He is dead wrong. What's holding it back are yes men relics that stave off creativity and risk because they want to appease their publisher. And when it comes to the fight, they know they will need to hop to the next publisher when the game sucks and will most likely need an ally.

The creativity of a lot of designers are there ten fold. They just can't create what they want to create because, "Well, nice idea! But we don't see that selling well to the demographic we think would make this IP sell 6 Million copies. So, I think your atmosphere and creative design is great, but you should focus your efforts on a microtransaction shop and more action for the demographic"

Rinse and repeat.

Amazing he doesn't point to all the relic designers in this specific genre which have done nothing but crash and burn time and time again, while the two guys from amatuer hour came in and blasted away the most successful MMORPG we will most likely ever see.


Not only that, but WTF has he done in the past 10 yrs worth a damn? Tabula Rasa? City of Heroes? LOL?

Its like fail calling out fail.
Well Mkopec, he has built like 4 castles, he has gone to space, think maybe has his mind in space hehe.In those last 10 years, lol.
Mkopec totally agree with you even left you + nets, However the guy still is considered gaming god, legend etc even if he never has hit rest of his life hehe.


<Gold Donor>
Well Mkopec, he has built like 4 castles, he has gone to space, think maybe has his mind in space hehe.In those last 10 years, lol.
Mkopec totally agree with you even left you + nets, However the guy still is considered gaming god, legend etc even if he never has hit rest of his life hehe.
I dont care how many castles hes fucking built. Hes calling out other people in the industry for being no talent ass clowns, when he himself has done fuck all in the last 10 yrs. Less castle building, more good games being made, then you can call out the other idiots in the industry.


I dont care how many castles hes fucking built. Hes calling out other people in the industry for being no talent ass clowns, when he himself has done fuck all in the last 10 yrs. Less castle building, more good games being made, then you can call out the other idiots in the industry.
I was being sarcastic on the castles shit man lol, and the space shit hehe.

Think maybe his mind stayed up in space lol.

Richard does have alot of wenches however, so he needs alot of castles rofl.


FPS noob
In movies you can have a small indie film, you just don't do massive special effects or have expensive shooting schedules. Video games do have indie games, which have grown into a huge business in the last few years due to steam, but that hasn't yet trickled over to MMOs which are still massively expensive undertakings. Not just developing it, but then you've got all this shit to deal with after launch like server farms, patches, customer support, expanding/shrinking servers, etc. Even FPSes no longer have to deal with it much, as they outsource the servers to the players.

Over the next few years we'll see the indie movement trickle into MMOs as well as the tools to create, publish, and maintain MMO backends become turn-key and small teams are able to create and launch MMOs without needing $20-50m OR a publisher to do it (Titan, etc). We are still 3-4 years away unfortunately, so its going to continue to be a suckfest of wow-clones for the forseeable future.

One thing Garriott did get right, a LOT of game designers can't code or draw and are pulled from QA/support. While its not I guess totally necessary, having a solid background in programming and using game engines as an artist would make for a much, much better game designer.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
That's not the real reason. The fucking real reason why the gaming industry is full of recycled shit is simplythat.
Vaporware looking screen shots with a vague idea of a game. Appealing to sexist ideals to call out and get pity funding? I know I wouldn't touch a game company acting like that if I were a publisher.


Trump's Staff
I'll comment more about Garriott's interview later, but for now I have a simple message...

Go Fuck Yourself.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It's true that Garriott hasn't done anything recently to justify his apparent belief that he is one of the "great designers". But it is also true that the mmo industry has a serious lack of them. The massive amount of mmo cow dung produced in the last few years is ample proof of that.