The Elder Scrolls Online


Golden Squire
Played this a bit, not as awful as I expected, but awful enough that I don't see myself buying the box. Mostly feels like a really unpolished skyrim with a lot of random people running around doing the exact same shit as you are. Which basically completely breaks any sort of immersion the game could have, I mean it's standard mmo fare but generally when I play a mmo, it feels like a mmo, this tries to be a TES so the mmo aspect ruins it.

Combat felt way floaty, half the sounds were missing it seems or they just wouldn't play all the time, the animations were jerky, part of it might be due to lag(not sure where server is hosted or how to check my ping) but I would swing at something and see no actual effect. "Autoattacks" seemed to be completely worthless, like I'd need 10ish heavy strikes to kill a mob, but I could kill it by dumping my mana into spamming some fancy skill 3times. Since mana regen looked high out of combat, leveling felt very weird.

Animations are as expected complete shit. Models aren't that bad(well human/elves ones, Argonians and Khajit are fairly awful), game looks ok, kinda depends on the area like the one you start in I thought looked pretty good, but then I escaped to Bleakrock(not sure if random or based on race, I was a Nord) and like it's the shittiest snow I've seen in a while, with really ugly trees and really ugly everything really. Skyrim on low probably looks better and that was on ultra high. Just looks cheap.

Quest tracker apparently only tracks one quest? Like seriously? Bunch of really basic quests, one had some jumping involved, collisions and slopes suck, pretty shitty platform experience so meh. Do like that everything is voiced but is probably a large waste of money/time and why the rest of the game isn't nearly as good as it should be. Inventory uses a list system similar to skyrim, seemed pretty weird, plus you loot a fuckton of random shit right away, I had like 12 different types of food after finishing the tutorial and I didn't even loot that much.

Class customization looked nice. Kinda wish you didn't have to pick a class and could access all the class trees, but the fact you can take say the Nightblade class then use heavy armor and 2H with it and do a Death Knight with the Siphoning tree of Nightblade is pretty cool. This at least was the one thing that stood out as pretty awesome.

Other than that crashed once and had some 4-5secs freezes a couple of times(not sure why, loading shit maybe but wasn't doing anything special) so stability not there.
This is pretty much word for word what I thought as well. It was a dirty, unoptimized Skyrim with much crappier animation. That said, based on what other people have said about it, it is actually better than what I thought it would be, but not good enough I will buy it. And this is coming from a person who has bought every single one of these games even back to Daggerfall. Really really to bad


<Silver Donator>
I dont know about unpolished skyrim, seems like alot of on rails questing vs open endedness of ES games
Well I didn't mean that part but Skyrim did also have a lot of quests, you just didn't have level restrictions and zones and shit like that so it's not the same, what I mean is it tries hard to be like Skyrim, they even just reused the assets for the compass, the map icons, some of the music etc, but at the end of the day it is just a mmo. I think they could have done much better doing a coop skyrim than a mmo skyrim.


SW:ToR had to go FTP. I'd consider that a failure considering what they were trying to do.
I will conced that point for sure. It sold enough boxes to break even I thought? I thought it was just that they couldn't keep subscribers up in order to do future stuff and keep the servers online. I am not entirely sure.


You don't actually think that shit will be done any time soon after release do you?
Not a chance in hell.

All I can do is /lute with my mind in the stars

I will conced that point for sure. It sold enough boxes to break even I thought? I thought it was just that they couldn't keep subscribers up in order to do future stuff and keep the servers online. I am not entirely sure.
Swtor is sitting at over 500k subs right now, certainly not nearly what it could have been, but it's become a healthy and steady userbase. Locking the best looking loot behind the Cartel market is also making them a TON of cash.


Molten Core Raider
man this game looks fucking sweet, these are the kinda graphics I want in my mmo not that faggoty wildstar bullshit fuck im pissed this game is gonna tank.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I remember SWToR getting really good pre-release hype. And the Xbox One suffered more from "MS made some really stupid decisions that they retracted from but will probably try to shift in again" rather than "The xbone is going to be awful".

TESO is pretty much unsalvageable at this point.
I am biased in favor of this game. I really want it to be good. i don't want another giant sinkhole of an MMO. I like first person, action combat Elder Scrolls and Bethesda in general. With that in mind here is the best I can say:

It does not completely suck. There is potential here. First person action combat is kinda OK. The skill system is different. Some of the stories are solid and the voice acting is not disturbingly bad.


I am biased in favor of this game. I really want it to be good. i don't want another giant sinkhole of an MMO. I like first person, action combat Elder Scrolls and Bethesda in general. With that in mind here is the best I can say:

It does not completely suck. There is potential here. First person action combat is kinda OK. The skill system is different. Some of the stories are solid and the voice acting is not disturbingly bad.
You're a brave person for saying that here

Honestly the game does have some good qualities to it, it's just the bad completely outweigh it. Not by a small margin either. The only hope this game could have is if it tanks, Zenimax mans up and pulls a FFXIV:ARR and fixes it. Which I don't think will ever happen. They will get box sales because "ohmygurd Elder Scrolls!!!", then people will play for a few months, realize it's garbage and cancel. I don't see this game being a sub model for longer than 6 months until it goes F2P.
So to the people who say its an unoptimized skyrim, does it ever get more open ended? i came out of 2 quest regions so far without ever ending up in a large ES world... i lost motivation really quickly to carry on


Molten Core Raider
can someone bullet point for me whats glaringly wrong with this game, im only like lvl 8 but it seems smooth and fluid to me... playing a Templar so im just smashing shit.

is it weird im enjoying the combat more than wildstar?
can someone bullet point for me whats glaringly wrong with this game, im only like lvl 8 but it seems smooth and fluid to me... playing a Templar so im just smashing shit.

is it weird im enjoying the combat more than wildstar?
To me its the on rails stuff, why do they have to make a character do evil things if u wanna RP a good character... or vice versa. The choice should be up to the player


Anyone able to get past the Webget request failed error? Tried running as admin, tried running a virus scan, now I uninstalled and reinstalled and still getting it.


Silver Squire
So to the people who say its an unoptimized skyrim, does it ever get more open ended? i came out of 2 quest regions so far without ever ending up in a large ES world... i lost motivation really quickly to carry on

You can draw a line on the map as to where you should be going every single step of the way.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I was sort of excited to play, but now I can't even log into my account on their website, much less in game? I've even reset my password.

And hearing you say that Kedwyn, I'm kinda not interested in playing.


Log Wizard
Gave my beta away.

Fancy graphics (kinda) if you're into that
Class customization

Rest of game