The Elder Scrolls Online


Molten Core Raider
Very sorry to hear the passing away of your father Utnayan

Always been entertained with your posts against shitty MMOs and developers . Keep on trucking dude.


This game sounds like it will go down as yet another game that could have been. I sure do wish somebody would make a descent MMO worth playing for longer than 2 months. It seems that companies have gotten to a point where all they do is dress up a pig and make it real pretty. It is only after you take the dressing off do you realize that that is all it is. At least with a pig though, you can still get bacon.
IMO the problem with games like this is that they think that because of the IP they can make any old crap paint differently and feed it yo us, and we all will buy it cause shit it's elders scrolls. Same thing happened with TOR I really wish devs thought about this shit first.


I actually liked tor to a extent, if they just opened the world up and removed some of the crap quest's it would be alot better. Make tor more of a level off mob's not quest's kinda deal.

This crap called eso though, man i think they will push this through because no one will take direct responsability. Kinda like alien's : cm. They will just blame a multitude of other thing's and people.

That their in of itself is the biggest problem with mmorpg's. Not one person will take responsibilty nor stray from wow even if it has become so apperant that the formula is just not profitable any more. Hell these company's are turning a blind eye to what people are wanting like the wwe turn's a blind eye to the talent that people want to actually see.


I was in beta last weekend. I feel that it won't be finished on time. So much shit not done yet, and I only got to level 9. I like how the game looks though, the surroundings and everything is done decently.
In /zone chat people were pretty enthousiastic about the game. If they would only put some more soul into this game, it really could be much much better, doubt the stockholders would fancy waiting an extra year on releasing it though
I was in beta last weekend. I feel that it won't be finished on time. So much shit not done yet, and I only got to level 9. I like how the game looks though, the surroundings and everything is done decently.
In /zone chat people were pretty enthousiastic about the game. If they would only put some more soul into this game, it really could be much much better, doubt the stockholders would fancy waiting an extra year on releasing it though
This is how I feel. There is a pretty good game hidden inside an unfinished, unpolished buggy mess.


I generally buy every big MMO when they first come out and atleast play them for the first few months. But after the beta weekend I won't even be buying this one - it's just so incredibly dull. Apart from the art style, which I liked, it doesn't seem to excel in any area and the combat looks and feels horrible. Won't even get started on the bugs, with the release only a couple of months away they really need to get working on those.


I was really bummed out by the art style's more cartoony look compared to Skyrim's dirty, realistic look. The hair was pretty much classic Bethesda though and the body type slider for female characters made me laugh; a triangle that could have been labeled "waif" "kinda atheletic" and "had a sammich the other day". I did like that crafting gear was viable and actually seemed necessary because I sure as hell did not get much gear if any that was useful via quests or drops. Once I doped out lock picking it was fun enough. I wasn't even close to any kind of level cap though and I was sort of disappointed knowing that my character wasn't going to be 100 in every skill. I played for most of Saturday, but wound up spending Sunday going back to Neverwinter for some reason and knocked out a few levels there. Based on that, I'm thinking I'll wait for the seemingly inevitable shift to F2P before playing ESO. Hopefully if and when they make that move, they don't fuck us a la SW:TOR etc.


FPS noob
survey they sent out post beta is pretty much a peek into what a clusterfuck the company is. here, have a survey that takes ONE HOUR to complete, because the average gamer has that long of an attention span

it is going to be a fascinating launch though, gonna be a great test of how the online gaming community can help or hurt sales. Some here think it will still sell 1m+ copies and be on track to recoup dev costs, others think word of mouth has spread pretty wide and far that this is a piece of shit to stay away from. if it was launching on console on April 4th I'd say its a tossup, but with a pc/mac only launch I think the numbers are going to be abysmal.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Friend (who is a big Elder Scroll fan, played every one rather hardcore except Oblivion) went into beta this weekend. His first remark is "Conan syndrome?". The second was that it was a MMO, it wasn't Elder Scrolls at all. All the spirit of the ES series is missing.

The problem is that almost every fan of ES who didn't betaisgoing to buy this. They're going to scream louder than SimCity fans afterward, but Zenimax is going to recoup almost all their costs on the mere strength of box sales.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
I'm starting to think that MMOs are where all good single player game franchises go to die (with one exception).


I'm starting to think that MMOs are where all good single player game franchises go to die (with one exception).
On the flip side, I feel SWTOR is one of the best single player games I've ever played. I really enjoyed the stories and I liked the interface and game.

I personally do not like anything about TESO.

Spronk, name is all it takes. Look how many copies D3 sold and it's an absolute shit game compared to D2, even.


Toe Sucker
This is one of the few surveys I actually filled out, to point out how shitty this beta was.
What a boring, boring ass game. Yeesh
This is one of the few surveys I actually filled out, to point out how shitty this beta was.
What a boring, boring ass game. Yeesh
Yeah I just finished mine. I wonder if the survey is deliberately repetitive and long to dissuade people who did not like the game from finishing the survey. Sometimes survey results are disclosed to funding sources to justify expenses and release.


I was in beta last weekend. I feel that it won't be finished on time. So much shit not done yet, and I only got to level 9. I like how the game looks though, the surroundings and everything is done decently.
In /zone chat people were pretty enthousiastic about the game. If they would only put some more soul into this game, it really could be much much better, doubt the stockholders would fancy waiting an extra year on releasing it though
zenimax is a private company no stock on the exchanges , or i would short the fuck out of it


I'm far more forgiving than most posters here, but I was not impressed this weekend. While I enjoyed crafting this time, there seemed to be more bugs, as several of the quests I had as a level 11 in the Aldmeri area were bugged and not spawning. So that basically made it impossible to advance without grinding. On top of that, PvP was reportedly not working on Sunday, I tried for about 2 hours to get into a match with no luck.

I can say I'm disappointed the PvP didn't work (I'm not a big PvPer, and would only partake once max level), but I will say I am mad that quests that worked last time didn't work this time. When roadblocks (which previously weren't there) are hit in ~8-ish hours in the low double digits, what does that say about the areas that aren't being tested or their quality control or their ability to fix issues once they have been identified?

As I've mentioned before, I love playing MMOs when they have the "new MMO smell", but this is creeping onto my "Only if I have nothing else to do on release week" list. They've got one more Beta weekend to win me back.


Anyone have a Full beta account(no weekend shit)? Why go though the pain of playing this game when you can give it to me. Shiny Wildstar friend key in it for you. Pm me.


Lord Nagafen Raider
To me combat its one of the most important factors in a mmo. It must be responsive, it must fluid and dynamic otherwise both the pvp and the pve aspects will suffer greatly.

To my experiece, eso has one of the worst combat system/animation that i ever experienced. The hybrid target/aim makes no sense. Spells/bow is autoaiming doesnt matter where u look, its like shooting home missiles. Melee its so unsatisfying, even when u swing at target its like swinging at air, hard to explain, but there is no weight at all on your hits, or no feeling to have hit the target (or miss). The combat animations are dreadful, and the abilities suffer from the same delay swtor had at the start (guess its due to hero engine? not sure, maybe was just beta lag).

Lvling system is imho nice, but that its the only decent thing i found bout the game.


The major 800 pound gorilla is the status of the mid to high leveled pve areas. We've been told in this thread that they are non-existant or incomplete. If they are done by release, that could make this dumpster fire a little less disasterous.

There were more bugs than there were last beta weekend. I noticed they changed the stats on items somewhat and I think they changed some other minor details, but the leveling pace and gear felt exactly the same. Crafting was alright.

I heard from someone that they wanted to focus on stress testing the servers by having as many people in pve zones as possible and thats why they kept the pvp offline. Whether or not you believe that excuse doesn't change the writing on the wall. If the pvp was down because of bugs, you are looking at an extra sloppy release. If it was really down due to stress testing, then all that means is that the devs are ONLY interested in making the first week of players happy with a slightly smoother experience during launch (meaning they don't give a shit about anything else at this point.)

I've also heard that the next beta weekend will only focus on cyrodill testing to test the pvp content. As things are now, I'm not entirely sure that will help public perception of the game. At best the box sales will help recoup their costs.

Is the survey the exact same survey as last time? I didn't bother to check the latest survey. I highly doubt they will give a shit about the feedback anyways.


Trakanon Raider
Played like 9min. Boring as fuck.

The survey was the nail in the coffin... really Bethesda?, a survey that takes one fucking hour to fill? wtf....

this game is already dead.