The Elder Scrolls Online


Golden Knight of the Realm
I went in 2 betas ago wanting to like the game. Haven't played in all the other betas i was invited too. Maybe I'll play for a pity month on release if a lot of my friends do. But probably not
I know it's cool to hate on this game right now and I was trying to avoid doing so, but god damn do I hate this fucking game after giving it a few hours today. I feel like it is actively trying to piss me off. Everything is so spread out, running everywhere. No idea what the map icons mean, so run there and figure it out. Hold shift the whole time, serious finger strain. Whoops, all out of stam if you have to fight along the way. It's not exploration, it's tedium. There's nothing interesting to find, other than more bad quests.

There is no synergy to the templar class at all. It's a mishmash of random garbage skills that all suck. The only good spell I had was some holy bolt type ability, but I morphed it into a shitty PBAoE and now it's terrible. I figured stacking mana regen would help out since I go oom in 3 casts, but now the game is telling me to go fuck myself with this 'overcharge' diminishing return mechanic.
A lot of this is spot on.


FPS noob
some screenshots from fucking around with pvp tonight

first one is the pvp map, each keep has outer door, inner keep, then two flags to cap and a bunch of NPCs. a guild can "capture" a keep and hold it (?), as you can see there are a shitload of keeps. very similar to gw2. it takes a solid 3-5 minutes to just run from one keep to another.


rams and scorpions and trebuchets and shit attacking a keep (you can buy the siege gear from quartermasters for gold)

capturing a flag


I'm pretty much sold on this game. at the very least I will get 30 days out of it. Then I will just cancel my sub like every other mmo.


<Gold Donor>
Man I just cant stand quest grinding. The game would be fine if there was other shit to do other than quest grind. It just bores me to death. There simply needs to be some other way to handle this in a mmo. Fuck, at this point im willing to grind again. And believe me, I tried in this game, but the exp is shit.

After countless games of doing this shit for the past 8 yrs, I think Im just outgrowing this genre until they come up with something different. Fucking solo questing in an mmo has got to be the worst fucking thing ever to come about. Thanks wow.


Man I just cant stand quest grinding. The game would be fine if there was other shit to do other than quest grind. It just bores me to death. There simply needs to be some other way to handle this in a mmo. Fuck, at this point im willing to grind again. And believe me, I tried in this game, but the exp is shit.

After countless games of doing this shit for the past 8 yrs, I think Im just outgrowing this genre until they come up with something different. Fucking solo questing in an mmo has got to be the worst fucking thing ever to come about. Thanks wow.
It's the closest thing to a single player MMO that I've seen. I'd take forced grouping and grinding over whatever this is supposed to be any day. I suffered through until level 9 today, trying to get to 10 to see the pvp. Couldn't take it anymore. I logged into my 13 SHM on P99 and crawled around Befallen with a group of randoms. Cheered me right up.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
I'm pretty much sold on this game. at the very least I will get 30 days out of it. Then I will just cancel my sub like every other mmo.
I have to say, after I finally got into the game and got past Coldharbor, it was actually really enjoyable. I have never played a game that tried so hard to get new players to not like it. I was playing a Nord and it wasn't until I was about halfway through Bleakrock that the game finally started to click for me but when I did, I really started digging it.

Obviously still a ton to fix and they surely won't get to all of it but I think this will be a better game than SWTOR was at launch.


Vyemm Raider
World is very nice.

Quests are tedious as fuck and are 99% run your ass around and hit E.
Skill trees very limited. Not sure if this is a low level thing, but very annoying to have to spread your points between armor, weapon, magic, and whatever. Maybe I want to put all my fucking points in my weapon??? That should be ok, and I should suffer the penalties if mobs get in my face, but nope.
Grinding is a non option which is very annoying when questing sucks so hard.
Itemization is either totally fucked, or incomplete. As someone else said pretty much 99% of monsters drop 1 gold.
Game feels like a single player game. At no point did I ever feel compelled to even try an talk with anymore.
No reason to explore. (Where are my Skyrim like dungeons?) Why can't they have these where when you zone in it's like a solo/group instance or something and you get a bonus amount of exp for completing the dungeon the first time???

Anyways to sum it up it feels like they were so concerned with reigning in all the freedom of Skyrim that they forgot the most important part of a game. To make it fun.....


Man I just cant stand quest grinding. The game would be fine if there was other shit to do other than quest grind. It just bores me to death. There simply needs to be some other way to handle this in a mmo. Fuck, at this point im willing to grind again. And believe me, I tried in this game, but the exp is shit.

After countless games of doing this shit for the past 8 yrs, I think Im just outgrowing this genre until they come up with something different. Fucking solo questing in an mmo has got to be the worst fucking thing ever to come about. Thanks wow.
This x10000!!! My friend is playing it because there's not going to be anything else mmo wise released for a while... I created a character, that was kinda cool... I logged in, and it was complete fuckery from there... From the hold shift to run to the press E press R bullshit. Then looting was even pissing me off. I killed some shit with my staff, and that felt like shit too... I ran through some doors, and was already so fucking annoyed with the whole thing I tabbed out and never went back. This game is going to fail.
World is very nice.

Quests are tedious as fuck and are 99% run your ass around and hit E.
Skill trees very limited. Not sure if this is a low level thing, but very annoying to have to spread your points between armor, weapon, magic, and whatever. Maybe I want to put all my fucking points in my weapon??? That should be ok, and I should suffer the penalties if mobs get in my face, but nope.
Grinding is a non option which is very annoying when questing sucks so hard.
Itemization is either totally fucked, or incomplete. As someone else said pretty much 99% of monsters drop 1 gold.
Game feels like a single player game. At no point did I ever feel compelled to even try an talk with anymore.
No reason to explore. (Where are my Skyrim like dungeons?) Why can't they have these where when you zone in it's like a solo/group instance or something and you get a bonus amount of exp for completing the dungeon the first time???

Anyways to sum it up it feels like they were so concerned with reigning in all the freedom of Skyrim that they forgot the most important part of a game. To make it fun.....
I think quests are overall pretty good. Voice acting is decent and if you take the time to listen, the stories are not horrible at all. Certainly better than you average fair and no collect 8 pelt bullshit.

I don't get how you complain that skill trees are limited and then that you have too many options. That seems contradictory. What I find is that with the healer templar dude and with a caster mage dps dude many skills kinda suck (or at least don't have obvious use) and so I am pissed that I put a point into that skill.

Your dungeon criticism is spot on. The only goodish dungeon so far (up to level 10) was the mage guild quest one that I farmed to fill my inventory and does have a blue item in there. Still exp bit. I had fun testing skills in there though and it was at least kinda fun. Supposedly that sort of thing gets better later. Not holding my breath on that.

I don't think people talk in any of these games any more - particularly the action combat ones. You probably beed to join a guild with voice chat for social stuff. I think that is true for any game with the speed of interaction of TESO or any other game. I don't rememebr any social interaction in WoW the last time I went back either.

Itemization is insane but here is how I stopped worrying and learned to love the one gold drop.... turn on autoloot and only look at what' in your inventory every 30 or so kills. Probably the most ridiculous solution ever but I was as annoyed as all fuck by the one gold drops and now I don't think about it.


Certainly better than you average fair and no collect 8 pelt bullshit.
I seriously wish I got the version of the game some of you guys played, it sounds great. I'm sure it depends on starting area, but almost all my quests were "run to this spot and press E," kill X number of Y, press E and collect 5 herbs, run to this spot and kill the guy, collect 10 daedra asses.


Guess I'm not going to be seeing anymore. Got to 7 last beta, and it took me three sessions to get to 10 this time. Struggled to play enough to get a level each time, then a long break in between. Queued for Cyrodiil last night, after 2 hours loading I just alt-f4'd. Tried a few more times, ended up getting in twice. Once I ran to the combat but everyone was frozen- eventually got sent back to the loading screen. Next time I actually got to participate for about 2 minutes in an actual battle before ESO encountered an error and had to close. This morning I tried getting on again but I can't get past the loading screen. And since it's trying to load back into Cyrodiil rather than letting me back in the regular world first, I can't play the character at all.

I think they need to delay and spend some serious time addressing their systems (and rework combat animations/sounds meanwhile).


I think quests are overall pretty good. Voice acting is decent and if you take the time to listen, the stories are not horrible at all. Certainly better than you average fair and no collect 8 pelt bullshit.

I don't get how you complain that skill trees are limited and then that you have too many options. That seems contradictory. What I find is that with the healer templar dude and with a caster mage dps dude many skills kinda suck (or at least don't have obvious use) and so I am pissed that I put a point into that skill.

Your dungeon criticism is spot on. The only goodish dungeon so far (up to level 10) was the mage guild quest one that I farmed to fill my inventory and does have a blue item in there. Still exp bit. I had fun testing skills in there though and it was at least kinda fun. Supposedly that sort of thing gets better later. Not holding my breath on that.

I don't think people talk in any of these games any more - particularly the action combat ones. You probably beed to join a guild with voice chat for social stuff. I think that is true for any game with the speed of interaction of TESO or any other game. I don't rememebr any social interaction in WoW the last time I went back either.

Itemization is insane but here is how I stopped worrying and learned to love the one gold drop.... turn on autoloot and only look at what' in your inventory every 30 or so kills. Probably the most ridiculous solution ever but I was as annoyed as all fuck by the one gold drops and now I don't think about it.
I agree. Although I had to reloadui twice to get the mage one to work which was irritating. The quests are by and large good. I wish I could do more PVP, as that really sounds intriguing.

Overall the quests are good, but nothing groundbreaking. It's nice you can run and just kill or pick up quests. Theoretically you could grind and it's a fuckton quicker than EQ, but I think the ADHD crowd has been spoiled by WOW and will gripe if leveling actually isn't instant or rushed.

The Skill trees are good, but I think people have too little patience. If you are fucking level 7 you aren't going to have deep skill trees formed. I like that I can use any armor or weapon combo. My dual wielding sorcerer is a hoot.

There are legitimate gripes about the load times, bugs, and animations. I think a lot of the other gripes are nitpicking or really ignoring the fact we are new.

The quests in this game, which are far, far better than Mists of Pandaria ones and the open skill trees are good.

I can see getting at least two or three months out of this, and it's better than GW2 or SWTOR in overall design, if the stories <obviously> aren't as good as SWTOR.

Grouping is very well done. I do hope the dungeons are good 20+, but so far the game is solid. It really, really needs some heavy polish over the next two months. The load/lag and bugs need to be squished.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Ya. They just invented the single player MMO. In no way whatsoever do they even make an attempt to have you interact with other players.

The quests are just tedious. It's not go find me five bear asses, it's go press "E" and play with Barbara's pussy 100x.

The combat is MUCH better than I expected from the last time I played, but something is off still. Combat sounds and feels bland. Lot's of small sounds are missing, along with animation.

The graphics they nailed. The animations they did not. The voice-overs are fantastic, and even the story is OK IMO. Skill trees are bland.

Game is OK. Just not for me I guess.
You sure? I swore I remember only being able to get to like 30/35 or something during that week.
I remember exploring Eastern Plaguelands (unfinished) before release so I think he his right. Pretty sure neither Strath nor Scholo was in though. Almost all if not all of GW2 was open too (maybe Orr was not open?).

At BEST TESO has shown 40 percent so far. That's not confidence inspiring. I know these companies have terrible money pressures as they get to the end of development funds but seriously, this is within a year of being a good game probably. The expense of failure has got to be higher than the cost of fixing it.


Are there more finished zones other than Stonefalls for Ebonheart? Quest tracker keeps sending me to empty, unfinished or blocked zones. I'm not even close to level 17 with nothing to do.