The Elder Scrolls Online


Trakanon Raider
FYI the three minutes in between my post as Rescorla gave me enough time to log in to my Grave user account, screw with my IP settings to make them different, and make the post above.
You said you were a software QA, so you should know that turning a proxy on and off takes what, as much time as one mouse click? As much as Ut may be bullshitting, you are doing your fair share of it as well. The EQ shit you are saying is all absolutely contradictory to all of our experiences so yeah we should probably just can that shit.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
People who think meters are just for measuring DPS are doing it wrong.

For example, "you died because you stood in fire for 10 seconds. You suck."

Or, "you died because you went a full minute without getting a heal while taking unavoidable damage. The healer sucks."

Or, "you died because you take more damage than anyone can possibly heal. your gear sucks"

Or, "your dps sucks because you only pushed buttons for 30% of the fight. Fuck off."

And so on.
Yeah. It's always fun to post meters of damage taken by source and show that some fucking chimp took as much avoidable damage as the rest of the raid combined.

And anyone who pays attention knows that if one DPS is only assigned to DPS and another is assigned to kite that one shouldn't care if their total damage is different.


The funny thing is, if your reference point is EQ, then making things exponentially more complex is "dumbing things down."

The real difference is in EQ the penalty for failure was massively higher than in any other game, in terms of time wasted.

And even that isn't anywhere near as true anymore. Campfires, lol. You can teleport right back to where you wiped.
My opinions on EQ1 was influenced by the fact I played a bard (or from Utnayan's perspective lying about playing a bard). I was never a hardcore raider and I played with other casual gamers. A lot of the fights in dungeons (whether we were camping in one spot or dungeon crawling) were challenging because we were fighting a lot of mobs and had to work together as a team to avoid wiping. When it was all over and we had survived, people would be saying stuff like "how did we pull that off'. The fact that apparently some of you never got to experience that doesn't change the fact that I did and those kind of fights were fun to me. It also doesn't change the fact that I haven't experienced that kind of thrill in any MMO after vanilla WoW.

Once again, the point I am trying to make is that I had a similar thrill I had in EQ1 after doing some dungeons in ESO. Other players mileage may vary.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
My opinions on EQ1 was influenced by the fact I played a bard (or from Utnayan's perspective lying about playing a bard). I was never a hardcore raider and I played with other casual gamers. A lot of the fights in dungeons (whether we were camping in one spot or dungeon crawling) were challenging because we were fighting a lot of mobs and had to work together as a team to avoid wiping. When it was all over and we had survived, people would be saying stuff like "how did we pull that off'. The fact that apparently some of you never got to experience that doesn't change the fact that I did and those kind of fights were fun to me. It also doesn't change the fact that I haven't experienced that kind of thrill in any MMO after vanilla WoW.

Once again, the point I am trying to make is that I had a similar thrill I had in EQ1 after doing some dungeons in ESO. Other players mileage may vary.
I would like to know when you were dungeon crawling in a group in EverQuest, particular zones you went dungeon crawling in, and the timeframe (Which was the latest expansion, if any, out.) Also, which server did you play on? I ask this because I am going to gauge a frame of reference for any time at all that what you said was even feasibly plausible. You, like me, should have some memories of your favorite "pulled it off" moments because due to it's very nature of having such a long leveling curve and time frame in specific areas, it's easy to even remember the people you grouped with back then.

Care to elaborate on your experiences in more detail? What were your favorite EQ dungeons? And why?

This may put some frame of reference on your opinion.


Trakanon Raider
I've missed the last beta weekend or two... can't remember. This is why I asked how much was being fixed/released week to week.

I did think the world was beautiful but honestly, I think FFXIV has the best graphics/music I've seen in a MMO in a long time (in respect to the year of release).

The initial feel was very standard to me. Nothing wrong. I walked through the beginning steps without any hitches. Was not impressed but I did not notice anything broken.

I did not like the animations especially in combat. To me, if your animations are going to suck, have some incredible particle effects. I did not see either in ESO.

No opportunity to PvP or dungeon crawl for me personally. Did not get to craft or take part in any of the bells or whistles so my experience was very minimal. My first and very limit impression was meh. Nothing new here.. move along.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
One of my favorite 'pulled it off' moments was when I was grouping in some luclin dungeon in EQ (circa whenever the fuck luclin came out) and I had to afk because someone was at the door. I then got distracted by them and forgot I was playing EQ. An hour later I came back to some gained XP and all I got from my group was, "I was wondering when you'd come back"


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Yeah, I've had tons of 'oh shit' moments trying to keep up with respawn in group settings in EQ. I don't know if I'd consider those situations "crawling". More like excessive pulling.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
One of my favorite 'pulled it off' moments was when I was grouping in some luclin dungeon in EQ (circa whenever the fuck luclin came out) and I had to afk because someone was at the door. I then got distracted by them and forgot I was playing EQ. An hour later I came back to some gained XP and all I got from my group was, "I was wondering when you'd come back"
That was the most you ever contributed in EQ, I bet.


Vyemm Raider
Well, the most important contribution to any EQ group was willingness to play for 5+ hour stretches. Breaks were understandable.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I have two huge favorites.

One was in Unrest when me and two buddies were farming for his necro's epic loot drop (Cannot remember what it was). Either way, Unrest didn't have a lot of people in it at that time. LOIO seemed to be the more popular camping spots. We had the zone to ourselves, so my buddy pulled the entire house down to Rucksif's room. If you remember that layout, you would watch the puller come down from the top, down to the right, jump over a small crevice, and then they were in the main room where Rucksif spawned. Well... We were overpowereds for the zone but it wasn't too crazy. Mid low 50's, but the Necro 49 pet was amazingly OP'd at the time. So I parked him at the front of the room, my buddy Dextor (Went by Kaubel over in EJ) was a druid and had all his AoE shit ready... and down came my other buddy.


He had that entire fucking zone behind him. As he was running for dear life down that stairwell and over the crevice, I started laughing uncontrollably when I saw all the undead flailing NPC's mindlessly running behind him not stopping. It was so funny. I laughed for 4 minutes. I couldn't even hit a button to cast a spell, I had tears in my eyes. My Pet was going nuts, Dextor was haviung a heart attack with his AE's, Wolvinsbane was going nuts trying to get aggro off.

7 minutes later everything was dead in a heaping mess. Including Wolvinsbane. And my pet. But somehow Dex and I survived. And out of all that, I think he needed a batwinig or something and we wanted a little extra drama to spice up the search, he didn't even get it. SO we went out and just killed a few bats and that took care of that.

Another was a 7 hour stint in the Emp Crypt in Sebilis. Zurren from Afterlife was our puller, the guy was awesome... Supa was with us. We just had a fantastic group and they were really good players obviously. So I just was content watching this oiled machine bring in the XP for 7 hours straight. And when Zurren pulled, that guy pulled. He must have pulled half that place to our little group.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
People in TESO closed beta, are there already useful working addons ? Also, how is the game content past level 17, Tortage syndrome or concerned developers ?


I did think the world was beautiful but honestly, I think FFXIV has the best graphics/music I've seen in a MMO in a long time (in respect to the year of release).
I think they both took great screenshots. Where FFXIV ARR shone, however, was in movement. The animations looked great and when you moved, the world seemed to move properly. Stuff felt solid, and spell effects were great. There were little touches like hair/clothing moving in wind and characters breathing. ESO, on the other hand, looks great if you stand still and take a screenshot in town/someplace with a lot of "stuff" around you (as posted earlier some of the distance shots were meh due to fog). But something felt off whenever I moved- not just the combat animations (which were unbearable). But everything felt hollow/painted on rather than real.

I'm sure graphics/engine feel is very personal so I'm sure a lot of people like ESO more overall than ARR- especially if they don't like a colorful cartoony style. But for me, since most of the time I'm moving or afk in an MMO I preferred ARR's engine. I hoped to see improvements in that regard test to test in ESO, but I really haven't noticed any improvement since November.


People in TESO closed beta, are there already useful working addons ? Also, how is the game content past level 17, Tortage syndrome or concerned developers ?
To the first question, yes if believe me or Pkysel, no if you believe Utnaynan. There are only a few though. The answer to your last question is still under NDA but I don't think it's a secret that there are players already at veteran ranks. They leveled up somehow right?


One of my favorite 'pulled it off' moments"
Mine was world first (to my knowledge based on Monkly Business) Monk Epic 1.0 and Monk Epic 1.5! Unfortunately, My 1.0 quest has disappeared from the internetz, but 1.5 lives on after 10 years!Monk Epic 1.5 - COMPLETE in Monk Quests Forum.

(Note, it was kinda gay how I got world first for 1.0. The last turn in was bugged, so there were like 6 monks waiting to do the final turn in after a patch and my server (Tunare) just happened to come up like 10 minutes before anyone else. I was camped at the turn in spot, logged on, got epic, ScreenShot, log out, post to Monkly Business. +e-peen that I will brag about 12 years later!

Eat it Soygen.


The answer to your last question is still under NDA but I don't think it's a secret that there are players already at veteran ranks. They leveled up somehow right?
These responses regarding 17+ content are always so carefully worded. As long as RvR gives xp, the existence of high level players doesn't prove anything about lack/abundance of PVE content.


These responses regarding 17+ content are always so carefully worded. As long as RvR gives xp, the existence of high level players doesn't prove anything about lack/abundance of PVE content.
You are than welcome to believe Utnayan's claim that 17+ content is unfinished, crappy, broken etc and that is the main reason the NDA hasn't been lifted. Once the NDA is lifted, I will tell you what I know. You are more than welcome to continue choosing to believe what Utnayan is claiming if you like.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
To the first question, yes if believe me or Pkysel, no if you believe Utnaynan. There are only a few though. The answer to your last question is still under NDA but I don't think it's a secret that there are players already at veteran ranks. They leveled up somehow right?
Okay but how is the leveling content past 17 ? And about NDA, nobody gives a damn about it unless you share the same forum name here and on TESO closed beta forums.


Okay but how is the leveling content past 17 ? And about NDA, nobody gives a damn about it unless you share the same forum name here and on TESO closed beta forums.
Rescorla is my user name in every MMO since WoW, to include the short time I played Tera with FOH. Until the NDA is removed, I will just say don't be surprised to find out Utnayan was wrong.