The Elder Scrolls Online


<Gold Donor>
What's the general opinion on the quality of the game? I haven't heard much
Well youre gonna get a few opinions here but ill just say the entire game has high production value. PvE is your typical quest crap, maybe not so much the mundane tasks (fetch me bear asses) like other games, but still nevertheless quest. And then you have the PvP which, by most accounts is well done. Also different combat than your typical tab targeting.


Although I should be able to play this week-end (for the first time), I was wondering how's the PvE group content (dungeons crawling, group quest, ...), esp. at mid/high level ? I'm a bit on the fence to purchase the game (rather skeptical so far), and group content is often a major go/no go to me.
Unfortunately, I haven't heard much about it. Not sure if it because everyone is either focusing on PvP or solo PvE, or because there is barely any PvE group content in game ?
If some is available, you know the drill: is there enough of it, is it challenging enough, what kind of challenge are we talking about (telegraph, tank&spank, crowd control, ...), and how does it compare to various other MMO ?
Thanks !


Is this sandbox or themepark?
Should I be expecting thousands of boring small quest hub treadmill quests?
Is gear interesting or just + more stats?
Most important, do you solo grind through all quests or is there an empasis on social interaction and grouping with people?


Although I should be able to play this week-end (for the first time), I was wondering how's the PvE group content (dungeons crawling, group quest, ...), esp. at mid/high level ? I'm a bit on the fence to purchase the game (rather skeptical so far), and group content is often a major go/no go to me.
Unfortunately, I haven't heard much about it. Not sure if it because everyone is either focusing on PvP or solo PvE, or because there is barely any PvE group content in game ?
The open weekend beta caps at level 17, so most of us can't answer that question. There are a lot of videos out there, and opinions are pretty mixed.

The quality of the game is a mixed bag. It looks gorgeous, and it veers away from stylized graphics which is great for me. There is a lot of quest fare, but no quest hubs. There also is a pretty robust crafting system, and it steals the lockpick system from Oblivion. I'd say if you enjoy the entry level zones and setup of the game over the beta weekend, it'll probably be worth your time to buy it. If you aren't having any fun or don't like the design, then it's probably not going to be for you.

I preordered it, but honestly I'll be amazed if I'm playing it in six months. I feel pretty confident there is a good three or four months worth of content and things to do, but again that's just guessing and I could be completely wrong.


<Gold Donor>
Is this sandbox or themepark?


Should I be expecting thousands of boring small quest hub treadmill quests?

Its quest based, but longer chains, not so much "kill 10 bears"

Is gear interesting or just + more stats?

From what I saw Lv1-12 no its not interesting.

Most important, do you solo grind through all quests or is there an empasis on social interaction and grouping with people?

Not sure about 12+ but I soloed mostly. I know there are dungeons so there is that. Think of it like any other mmo in the last 8 yrs. Solo to cap with a sprinkling of dungeon content.

The unique things here being that combat is different and the whole PvP thing. If you are not into that I would not get this game for the PvE.


Any particular faction we should be joining?
I believe general consensus is that the Aldmeri Dominion has the best starting experience, which is practically all we're limited to in these weekend tests that isn't Cyrodiil. It might interest you, if you have the time, to try more than one faction, otherwise I think AD is the safest bet.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
What's the general opinion on the quality of the game? I haven't heard much
If you can get over the horrible animations, combat response, tacked on first person camera and shitty targeting you might have some fun in it. Many people like the Pvp and hate the Pve. Like every mmo though, you will most likely have a good time for that first month from new MMO smell. If you are a Elder Scrolls fan you will most likely not like it due to them making it as unelder scrolls as possible.

Just try it for yourself and see it you like it. I have a friend key if you want it.