The Elder Scrolls Online


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
One more post from me today
It's the PTS notes for update 3:

PTS Patch Notes v1.3.0 - Elder Scrolls Online
I see they claim to have fixed weapon swap. Still think it's hillarious people actually defended ESO on weapon swap delay trying to act it didn't exsist.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
tabards look cool, but it's a bandaid to a self-inflicted wound. Nameplates + guild tags alone would dramatically increase the ability for the game to maintain a community. All tabards do is increase the % of identifiable guilds for a hardcore PVPer from like 1% to 5% and do nothing to make players more identifiable. For guilds like PRX it would've been great because we'd feel like people recognized us, but they'd know us by, "Those people who have an ugly almost-cross-like tabard".

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
So is this game still a bot-infested piece of shit? I unsubbed a long time ago, and have been mostly gameless in the mean time and am feeling dat PvP itch again.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, no doubt. If only us armchair devs could release that perfect MMO we all talk about. When's yours coming out, bro? Gimme a break.
So now I have to be a Developer to be able to critique an MMO? This is such an incredibly stupid statement that I'm at a loss for words.

Unless you want to be playing a tired old MMO (trust me I'm tempted now and then to resub to DAOC), you're either playing this game or some Korean port or Wildstar. I agree - we need more sandbox, and I hope someone actually delivers instead of just talking shit on forums.
Or another option you didn't mention: just not play an MMO at all currently. Why should I give my money to yet another studio leveraging another prominent IP to push out another mediocre or outright terrible MMO? I don't feel some masochistic need to play shitty games just for the sake of playing shitty games. If the game had been good we would have been inundated with good press (similar to what we saw with WoW) and I would have considered it.

Skyrim was 20+ million sales. I think ZOS can optimistically hope for 5M+ console SALES. Not sure how many subs they'll get. All little Timmy has to do is swipe that Visa from mommy's purse...
So you actually think that it's realistic to expect the TESO console release to garner 25% of Skyrim's total sales with not only an MMO game, but an MMO game that has been failing on the PC and one that people will have to pay a sub to play? Seriously?


So now I have to be a Developer to be able to critique an MMO? This is such an incredibly stupid statement that I'm at a loss for words.
I like his line of thinking. Imagine how many ways we could use that...

"Yeah, no doubt. If only us armchair politicians could write that perfect bill we all talk about. When's yours coming out, bro? Gimme a break."
"Yeah, no doubt. If only us armchair football players could make that catch we all talk about. When are you going to make yours, bro? Gimme a break."
"Yeah, no doubt. If only us armchair movie producers could release that perfect film we all talk about. When's yours coming out, bro? Gimme a break."

That's got some potential as an argument, I tell ya. You know how many people in the world would be prohibited from commenting on bad porn?


Molten Core Raider
For curiosity sake, Erronious, what was the max level you reached in ESO? It seems you did not play it at all, but wondering if you at least checked out the beta weekends


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
If only us armchair devs could release that perfect MMO we all talk about. When's yours coming out, bro? Gimme a break.
So now I have to be a Developer to be able to critique an MMO? This is such an incredibly stupid statement that I'm at a loss for words.
For curiosity sake, Erronious, what was the max level you reached in ESO? It seems you did not play it at all, but wondering if you at least checked out the beta weekends
So now I have to have played a game in beta or bought a retail box to critique an MMO? This is such an incredibly stupid statement that I'm at a loss for words. Wait, is this Groundhog day? Didn't I just go through this kind of thing already?

I mean, I could get that argument if we were debating our personal feelings about how the game feels, char models, etc, even though you can still do that through screenshots and the like. But I'm not arguing any of that. I'm arguing about how well the game has done and the breadth and depth of it's reception, from alpha/beta through release. So explain to me how I need to have played a game in order to argue about a game's success, or the lack of it. Explain to me how asking me what level I got to has to do with TESO's console delay and subsequent reluctance to announce a release date. Explain to me how any of that relates to debating how many potential sales they'll get from the console release.

But in case you missed it anyways:

I don't feel some masochistic need to play shitty games just for the sake of playing shitty games.
I mean, we argued the fuck out of this during beta, and I still almost played just because Tuco one-upped me in an animated gif response war in PMs. But even then...

As an aside, if the Masek account is an alt account of Rescorla's I'd just like to add that alt accounts aren't allowed. Now, I know that you can get output IPs that match between different users simply because of the provider, but I have to say that when I look this up on a hunch and 2 of your 4 post IPs match up with someone else from the same thread where both have been defending TESO and one of those accounts has a single digit post count...I mean, it makes me scratch my head. This is where Tuco usually tells me"you're imagining things"but whatever, I'll let him look at it.


2 Minutes Hate
I hate it when Erronius starts parsing quotes 500 fucking times in a single post. For fuck sake, stop it. Just write what you have to say, I think we can figure out what you're talking about.

Yes, I'm a gurmpy motherfucker this morning.

Also I'm kind of siding with Blackwulf on this one, but only a little bit because he's a crazy fanboy for the game. The game wasn't a total piece of shit, and I enjoyed playing the few weeks that I did. It probably has the best class/skill system on the market right now. Really great graphics and the engine was really well done (performance was never an issue for me). It had a ton of shitty things that just made the game retarded like nameplates, weaponswap, completely unbalanced and buggy classes, buffs not working, shitty Veteran rank stuff, addons, UI etc.

If they had tuned things just a bit, made a shit load less quests and made exploration a bit better then the game would of really been decent. It'll probably be a decent game in 6 months. Unfortunately the studio and all the lead devs are barely functioning idiots.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I hate it when Erronius starts parsing quotes 500 fucking times in a single post. For fuck sake, stop it. Just write what you have to say, I think we can figure out what you're talking about.

Yes, I'm a gurmpy motherfucker this morning.

Also I'm kind of siding with Blackwulf on this one, but only a little bit because he's a crazy fanboy for the game. The game wasn't a total piece of shit, and I enjoyed playing the few weeks that I did. It probably has the best class/skill system on the market right now. Really great graphics and the engine was really well done (performance was never an issue for me). It had a ton of shitty things that just made the game retarded like nameplates, weaponswap, completely unbalanced and buggy classes, buffs not working, shitty Veteran rank stuff, addons, UI etc.

If they had tuned things just a bit, made a shit load less quests and made exploration a bit better then the game would of really been decent. It'll probably be a decent game in 6 months. Unfortunately the studio and all the lead devs are barely functioning idiots.
I didn't pay much attention in beta but wasn't that kind of feedback pretty common during beta? It's not like they didn't know all this, they chose to go another route.


Molten Core Raider
Whoa sparky a simple question is all I asked. You need to stop trying to read between the lines on every damn post and take things at face value.

Of course You are entitled to an opinion on the game, I never said anything to the contrary. Is it informed as someone who has spent time in the game? Who knows, maybe if they are a yes man fan Boi.

Speaking of stupid statements. Take off the tin foil hat and stop sounding silly by rambling about account conspiracy. Chase the rabbit hole to China for all I care, all you'll get out of It is a waste of your time. Tuco recruited me to join prx in ESO and lead many all calls with me and wifey (fevex and lanayah). Rescola was also in prx under that name.

On a game specific note, I played a few hours last night and VR difficulty was not that noticeably different but I'm always duoing with my wife.

I did encounter some weird bugs I haven't seen, such as failing through the world (it at least auto ported you to nearest way shrine ), quest indicators not showing up and my wife had to log out as she couldn't see me in game even though I could see her.


Molten Core Raider
I didn't pay much attention in beta but wasn't that kind of feedback pretty common during beta? It's not like they didn't know all this, they chose to go another route.
I'd be curious to see what the majority of people actually said in the surveys. Were the common sense MMO features that most of us here wanted, actually in the minority vote?

I want to say the devs are idiots for not listening, but maybe they did.


So now I have to have played a game in beta or bought a retail box to critique an MMO? This is such an incredibly stupid statement that I'm at a loss for words. Wait, is this Groundhog day? Didn't I just go through this kind of thing already?

I mean, I could get that argument if we were debating our personal feelings about how the game feels, char models, etc, even though you can still do that through screenshots and the like. But I'm not arguing any of that. I'm arguing about how well the game has done and the breadth and depth of it's reception, from alpha/beta through release. So explain to me how I need to have played a game in order to argue about a game's success, or the lack of it. Explain to me how asking me what level I got to has to do with TESO's console delay and subsequent reluctance to announce a release date. Explain to me how any of that relates to debating how many potential sales they'll get from the console release.

But in case you missed it anyways:

I mean, we argued the fuck out of this during beta, and I still almost played just because Tuco one-upped me in an animated gif response war in PMs. But even then...

As an aside, if the Masek account is an alt account of Rescorla's I'd just like to add that alt accounts aren't allowed. Now, I know that you can get output IPs that match between different users simply because of the provider, but I have to say that when I look this up on a hunch and 2 of your 4 post IPs match up with someone else from the same thread where both have been defending TESO and one of those accounts has a single digit post count...I mean, it makes me scratch my head. This is where Tuco usually tells me"you're imagining things"but whatever, I'll let him look at it.
Feel free to have Tuco confirm you are hallucinating.

BTW the next time you ask me to explain something to you, don't get your panties in a wad when I do and it doesn't turn out how you expected it to. To everyone who negged me for documenting what happened, either go fuck yourself or seek professional help. Also, how the fuck am I supposed to know Blank is someone's alt account when you can't even figure out Masek and I are two separate accounts?


Also I'm kind of siding with Blackwulf on this one, but only a little bit because he's a crazy fanboy for the game. The game wasn't a total piece of shit, and I enjoyed playing the few weeks that I did. It probably has the best class/skill system on the market right now. Really great graphics and the engine was really well done (performance was never an issue for me). It had a ton of shitty things that just made the game retarded like nameplates, weaponswap, completely unbalanced and buggy classes, buffs not working, shitty Veteran rank stuff, addons, UI etc.

If they had tuned things just a bit, made a shit load less quests and made exploration a bit better then the game would of really been decent. It'll probably be a decent game in 6 months. Unfortunately the studio and all the lead devs are barely functioning idiots.
If you enjoyed playing the game, then perhaps you are one of the few here who isn't an irrational hater and can understand why there are others who are still enjoying it. There have been a lot of improvements over the past couple of patches. The main thing was a fix to Cyrodil lag. Bringing stamina builds up to be as viable as magicka builds is in the works. The botters and gold sellers are gone.

Tuco's list of changes needed for more meaningful PVP apparently caught the devs attention because some of that is going in soon. Still a ways to go on the PVP side.

Bottom line is the PVE in this game is very solid, especially if you like dungeon crawls or you like to solo. The PVP needs to be brought up to the same level of quality as the PVE and the game will be fine.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The PvE was ok, but once the newness wore off it felt stale. I enjoyed my short stint in the game but it didn't keep me logging in. Seems like that's the general theme for the game. I'd love to see those sub numbers.

Stop being such a sappy vagina for getting some negs.

P.S. seems like both accounts are yours..


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
It probably has the best class/skill system on the market right now.
It had a ton of shitty things that just made the game retarded like completely unbalanced and buggy classes
I am trying to figure out how you just contradicted yourself here, and it could very well be me misreading what you are saying. If a game has a great class/skill system, yet the classes are completely unbalanced and buggy, how does one of the most important micro aspects of making a class (Skill sets) be done well when it also will be responsible for making classes unbalanced? The hearft of each class is going to be the power underneath the skill sets. If they are done correctly across the game, the classes are not unbalanced.

As far as graphics go, and this is completely subjective, it didn't look like anything different than SWTOR. Especially from an environment point of view. Alderaan in SWTOR was gorgeous. Aesthetically, it looks just the same as just outside Whiterun in Skyrim in TESO.

Alderaan, 4000 x 2000 pixels - Star Wars: The Old Republic Galleries

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