So is it not on amazon prime the same air time as scyfy channel?
One of my main gripes with the show is Bobbie, the actress they picked comes across as a petulant child in her acting, and she looks like one too.
Also, for someone who is supposedly the pinnacle of martian soldiering shes a bit of a fat ass.
Also looking forward to the inevitable point when Avasavrala rips off weasel-mans balls and feeds them to him. What a total slimy dick that guy is...then again the secretary general seems pretty damn dumb to fall for it.
Yeah, she's casted just okay, while the rest of the casting is great. She definitely doesn't have the cool as ice soldier resolve that she should have.
She is?
She looks fit in that outfit for sure, but in the episode with the black spandex she looked like a pie lord. Well. maybe that's being harsh but she certainly doesn't look like a badass soldier.
Okay, this episode was great, lots of action already and we're set up for even more action later in the season. Haven't read the books to guess, but it seems like this season is going to be pretty different than the first two -- going to be a lot of combat I'm guessing.
I have what's either a gripe or a question depending on whether or not anyone with more knowledge than me on the physics of space can answer, but -- why the hell did Draper "fall" down the ship like that in the absence of both gravity and wind resistance? Her relative velocity in relation to the ship shouldn't have changed as far as I know. Show is usually super good with the science of it all, so maybe I'm wrong, but I've got a pretty good hunch it shouldn't have been that way.
I am guessing it was because the ship was supposed accelerating defensively I believe. The people on the ship were walking around normally because the ship was accelerating at least 1G. Once outside the ship walking on the hull she would be "falling" at 1g once she lost contact with the hull and climbing climbing along it in theory would be like climbing a wall in 1g. If she had been on a ledge she could have walked normally without any issues but what it was showing probably was not that far off true.
We get to used to shows where they just either hand wave physics or use space magic to do things like contra gravity or controlled gravity. Expanse does a pretty good job of modeling things about as well as they can and paying attention to the fact if you are not accelerating in space you basically go weightless and in this case of bobby climbing around on the hull that doing so is a non trivial challenge on a ship under 1g thrust.ahhhhhh duh, i would've just flunked a PHY111 question. forgot about acceleration, smh. i need to start taking night classes or something to keep me sharp.
thank you
How can we discuss fat ass or not when shown a picture of everything but the ass.