Stop fagging up Christmas. You eat these or nothing at all.
I got 3 boxes of those just figured we could out a few commies.
Stop fagging up Christmas. You eat these or nothing at all.
miserably DELICIOUSthat shit looks miserable.
oh yea, with a name like good lucky, it's chinese
I went to Wendy's for lunch again today, and enjoyed another Bacon Maple chicken sandwich, using spicy chicken as the base.
It was better this time than the first. But then again, I unwrapped it right away instead of leaving it wrapped until I was ready to eat. This way the roll didn't get mushy. They also seemed to cut back on the maple glaze. That's probably just my local store, but it wasn't a sloppy mess this time around. Just a mild glaze only on the top side of the chicken. Really good. You guys really should try it before it's removed from the menu. Also, use the app to get $2 off for a meal.
Molly Schuyler ate a 5lb burrito here in 97 seconds. I'd post the video, but...yeah. You can probably imagine. Eating a 5lb burrito that fast isn't going to look pretty.Imagine the food babies a five pound burrito would bring...