So my kids love cheese puffs but I hate that they get orange all over their fingers.
Enter the Cheetos Baked White Cheddar Puffs: they are awesome, baked so not *as* terrible for kids, and they don't leave an orange residue. Downside is that they are $2.99 a bag and only last about three days if each of my 3 older kids have a handful each per day.
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Fast forward to three months ago; I'm in Wal-Mart getting some groceries and see a whole line of their Great Value brand on the chip aisle for $.94 a bag. Lo and behold, they have made a knock off that is selling for a third of the price. I take a bag home and the kids cannot tell the difference so I go back out searching for them only to find out that they are out of stock at every Wal-Mart within a 5 mile radius. I saw a forum post that said the Wal-Mart app shows updated quantities that are even more accurate than the website and finally found a Neighborhood Market that had 6 bags in stock. It may seem obsessive but they are worth it if you have multiple people that want the baked Cheeto puff taste at a gnarly price point.
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