went to get buffalo wings from a pizza place(their pizza is horrible tho), along the way, went to nab a cfa spicy sandwich fries and nugs, along the way, a gyro, hummus and falafel, and most important last stop(closest to home) mcdees, fresh dropped fries and nugs.
so yea cfa nugs are vastly superior to mcdee nugs, you can't even rank em on a scale, it's just a monumental difference between flying first class and economy.
i couldn't nab popeyes to compare it to, the fried chicken places (popeyes/churches/kfc) are all on the ghetto side of town and is way too far of a round trip.
cfa fries were very servicable, but when compared to recently dropped mcdee fries, they don't stand a chance (this is highly dependent on your mcdee location, the manager could be Camilia or it could be run by La'Shonda, hopefully you're able to have one blessed by a senorita saying "Andale, Andale, Andale" like it'll delay ICE or something).
still have tons of food left over for lunch